[blparent] Intro from a new mommy

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Wed Apr 25 00:37:02 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,
I have been on this list for some time now, but haven't posted until 
now. Those of you who are posting seem like a resourceful bunch, and 
I'd like to thank the ones who have posted about breastfeeding in 
particular as of late. My name is Bernadetta and I am a brand-new, 
first time mommy. My son, Gabriel is two months old now. Being a parent 
is proving to be the greatest adventure in my life so far, although I 
didn't even know I wanted to be one before Gabriel came along. So far, 
everything is going great; He is a healthy little boy, despite the fact 
that he was born with a low birth weight--Only four pounds thirteen 
ounces. I tried my best to stay healthy throughout my pregnancy, but 
preeclampsia got the best of me midway, hense the baby's slight 
scrawniness. He has more than doubled his birth weight by now though; 
He weighs nine pounds as per yesterday's visit at the pediatritian's.
Anyway, I'm glad to be on this list because you all seem very helpful 
and resourceful, not to mention friendly. I'll be happy to contribute 
whenever I can.

All best,


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