[blparent] introduction, expecting

Veronica Smith madison_tewe at spinn.net
Mon Aug 13 02:16:51 UTC 2012

They are super!

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Michael Babcock
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 12:25 PM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] introduction, expecting

He is doing wonderful. He is 2, and loves to help dad. The most cutest thing
he did is when he was visiting us last, i Was feeling around for my cane,
all over the table, on the couch, etc, and had just put his coat on him and
told him we were going for a walk. After I felt around, he looked at my mom
(we were visiting grandma), and smiled. He then ran into the other room and
brought me my cain. I had forgotten that I left it in the kitchen when I was
getting him a cup. I love 2-year-olds! smile.

Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor

Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Equipping Alaskans for success

Phone: 907-771-4303

fax 907.248.7517

 michael.babcock09 at gmail.com

On Aug 12, 2012, at 8:22 AM, "Veronica Smith" <madison_tewe at spinn.net>

> So how is your son doing?  How old is he and what cute and adorable 
> things is he doing now?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] 
> On Behalf Of Michael Babcock
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 11:32 PM
> To: Blind Parents Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [blparent] introduction, expecting
> I think that all of this conversation is very intriguing to see the 
> situations that other individuals went through. My son, Nicholas, came 
> at 32 weeks. This meant that after his mom was life flown down to 
> Seattle Washington, from Ketchikan Alaska, we had to spend about eight 
> weeks in the hospital. We really got to know the nurses there, and, 
> they did ask us a couple of questions because of my blindness. She was 
> not blind, she being his mom, and, I guess we really do not have that 
> many problems. One nurse we did have some difficulties with, did not 
> communicate as well as I suspected she should have. In regards to her, 
> all we did was ask the head nurse if we could get a new evening nurse 
> to work with us, and our son. It was very easy to make this change, 
> even in the neonatal intensive care unit, (NICU), where staff was 
> limited. The head nurse said, "I understand where you are coming from, 
> and respect the fact that you would like to make the right decisions 
> that you feel would be for your son." And, that's what really made me 
> enjoy my time at Swedish medical Center in Seattle, even with the fact
that I really wanted to just go home with my then girlfriend and our new
> For those of you who do not know, me and that young lady are no longer 
> together. She has our son 67% of the year, leaving me with only 33. 
> Don't misunderstand this, I respect the reason why it is this way, and 
> I hope to change it in the near future. But, I do understand where 
> some individuals are coming from and regards to difficulties with the 
> social worker. I think that all parents may have been asked the 
> question, "How will you know when it is time to change the diaper?" My 
> response was, my eyes don't work my nose does.
> One thing that I do want to let everyone know about, was a interesting 
> situation that I always tell people when they ask me about my son. 
> After about three weeks, he had not had his hearing test done. 
> Sabrina, his mom, and I went to lunch. I stopped at the nurses desk 
> and asked them "Could you please do Nicholas is hearing test? I would 
> really appreciate it, don't take this the wrong way, but, if he is 
> blind them we will be okay. If he has any hearing difficulties 
> however, there may be some communication issues." We then came back 
> from lunch about 45 minutes later, and the results of his stellar hearing
test had been posted.
> The moral of the story is, for any new parent don't hesitate to ask 
> questions. Your first concern should be the health of your child, and 
> no question is too dumb to ask.
> Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor
> Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> Equipping Alaskans for success
> Phone: 907-771-4303
> fax 907.248.7517
> www.alaskabvi.org
> michael.babcock09 at gmail.com
> On Aug 11, 2012, at 6:04 PM, "Veronica Smith" <madison_tewe at spinn.net>
> wrote:
>> I had the same social worker and when she asked me how I would know 
>> if the diaper was dirty, I calmly said, "how do you know?"  I then 
>> followed the question with, I'm not trying to be rude or hateful, but 
>> everyone knows whether they are sighted or blind when a diaper needs 
>> changing.  Honestly, she didn't question me again!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org 
>> [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Bernadetta Pracon
>> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 3:07 PM
>> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: Re: [blparent] introduction, expecting
>> Tatyana,
>> First of all, Congratulations on your new little one. Do you know 
>> what you're having?
>> I am a relatively new mommy too. My baby boy was born almost six 
>> months
> ago,
>> so I thought I'd share my experiences with you. Prior to having a 
>> baby, I didn't really have much experience with caring for small 
>> children. I
> became
>> terribly nervous when I was expecting, because it was drummed into my 
>> mind that taking care of an infant is hard work, and on top of that 
>> I'm blind,
> so
>> it must be twice as hard. I thought I'd be scared to bring my little 
>> one
> up
>> and down the stairs at my home for example, thought I would never 
>> learn
> how
>> to change him properly, or feed him for that matter. I thought I'd be 
>> carrying him around in a front pack forever because I'd be afraid to 
>> accidentally bump him into a wall while walking or something. 
>> Fast-forward six months, and guess what, I haven't even used my front
pack. Not once.
> And
>> I've become a pro with my little one, as has my boyfriend/partner. So 
>> far, my baby has not incurred any injuries, not even minor ones.
>> I wanted to take  all of the classes offered by the hospital that Jo 
>> Elizabeth mentioned, but the hospital I chose to give birth at was 
>> not
> easy
>> to get to on my own and I didnt' have the best transportation system 
>> in place at the time. So I didn't end up taking advantage of them. 
>> However, when I got there, I was confident and willing to learn 
>> everything I needed to in order to safely care for my son. My partner 
>> who is also blind was equally prepared to learn how to be responsible 
>> for our child. When we
> were
>> asked by nurses and doctors about how we would provide for our child, 
>> we told them, patiently and confidently that we, like any other 
>> couple with a small baby, would probably require some help and that 
>> we had my family nearby if we needed them.
>> The only person at the hospital who got under my skin was the social
> worker
>> assigned to us: She was like a cross examiner, and for a social 
>> worker, quite ignorant. She insisted on asking idiotic questions 
>> like, how would
> we
>> know if the baby had a poopy diaper, and she made it obvious that in 
>> her mind, two blind people shouldn't live alone with a baby. We 
>> assured her
> that
>> we were going to be fine, and because we made a solid case for 
>> ourselves, she had no loophole in which to slip in and cause trouble. 
>> It may have
> also
>> been helpful that my mom, who was in the hospital with us for the 
>> birth
> (per
>> my request) and then to visit the baby, assured the staff of the 
>> hospital that if we needed her, she'd help us. That's not 
>> overstepping the lines,
> in
>> my oppinion; Every new grandma is eager to help with her child's new
> baby,.
>> Many new parents, whether blind or sighted seek their own parents
> assistance
>> with the baby for a time.
>> I ended up having a CSection which granted me a few more days at the 
>> hospital. I took advantage of that; I asked the nurses to teach me 
>> about diapering, swaddling, breastfeeding, and bathing my boy. Don't 
>> be nervous about asking them for help, but be sure that at the end of 
>> your hospital stay, you're able to show them that you've retained at 
>> least the basics of baby care. If some nurse is being snooty with you 
>> and seems more willing
> to
>> berate you for being a blind mom than she is eager to teach you how 
>> to be one, you should feel free to request assistance from someone 
>> else. It's
> your
>> hospital stay; The hospital should benefit you in whatever way they 
>> can,
> so
>> don't be  too shy to ask for help. I was fortunate to have had a 
>> great hospital staff aiding my new family. The nurses and  PCA's, 
>> even the
> doctors
>> were supportive and seemed eager to give us a chance. But I'll tell 
>> you
> that
>> they did feel apprehensive, and had I not displayed my compitance and 
>> my willingness to learn, they would have hesitated to allow the child 
>> to come home with me. You need to be confident. You need to be 
>> sharp-minded and
> work
>> with the hospital staff. In most cases, they are just working in your
> baby's
>> best interest.
>> Well, that's that. I'm sorry for the long-winded message. i'm rambling. 
>> lol. Anyway, good luck, and if you need anything else, feel free to 
>> ask
> the
>> list, and since  I've been through all this recently, feel free to 
>> email
> me
>> off list if you need to talk and get advice, new mom to a slightly  
>> more seasoned new mom. lol Good  Luck!!
>> Bernadetta
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