[blparent] Involvement of Child Services (was introduction, expecting)

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Tue Aug 14 22:20:48 UTC 2012

Jessica, that's unfortunate that your mom and other family members are 
the ones who doubt your ability to care for your child. That makes your 
case a bit trickier to fight I'd imagine, than if you had the support 
of your family.
Do you think that your mom's reasons for what she says are unfounded? 
Because if so, there are legal actions you can take to ensure that your 
mom doesn't get to talk to your case workers or CPS in general. 
However, if you think she might have some valid points, then the best 
you can do is make sure you improve any of the skills that are being 
put into question. You can educate yourself, take parenting classes, or 
ask someone to assist you and teach you how to care for your child. I'm 
sure you can get your little girl back, but both you and her dad will 
have to prove at this point that you can take care of her adequately. 
One other hurdle will  be the foster parents, since I remember you said 
they'd like to keep her at this point. IF you can't prove that you can 
be as much a parent to your child as they can be, then the case is in 
their favor. Also, you have to take into account that they are the only 
parents that your little girl has really known all her life so far. 
You're her biological parents, and it's probably wrong that she was 
taken away from you, but you also need to look at the situation from 
the child's perspective. At this point, her foster caretakers are the 
only parents she knows; What kind of impact will it have on her once 
you do get her back, since she's already old enough to have bonded with 
whoever took care of her as an infant.
Just some thoughts that may or may not be of help to you.
Basically, if your family doubts your capabilities as a parent then you 
should take a good, long honest look at your situation, and figure out 
if any of their concerns are warranted. If so, then do your best to 
make these concerns go away by educating yourself and preparing for 
parenthood. Just keep in mind that whatever happens , as long as it's 
in the best interest of your little girl, it's the right thing. All 
that matters in the end is the child's welfare and happiness.
Good luck to you Jessica. You have my most sincere wishes.

All Best,


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