[blparent] Parenting and blindness

Jodie and Kahlan xandir at samobile.net
Wed Aug 15 00:58:14 UTC 2012

As soon as Kahlan is old enough to be able to, I think we're going to 
have to teach her to tell us when she gets a bruise or a bump and how. 
That way we can tell anyone who asks, and maybe she'll tell her 
teachers, since we teach her to tell us. I think one of you said you 
already do taht and it's a very good idea! She had a scrape on her arm 
today, but then when I went to check on it later and intended to tell 
Chris, the scrape was gone. She's crawling now, but there's nothing on 
the floor that could have scraped her, so I have no idea how she got 
it, unless she scraped herself on her bouncer, but the almost immediate 
disappearance of the scrape is strange.

Hugs from Jodie and kahlan

good morning dialog. Either you can yawn and stretch and hit space on 
the get out of bed button or tab to the snooze button. Remember if you 
hit space on the cancel button, that means that you're not in your 
right mind to make a decision at this current time. Cancel button. 
Sorry, we can't accept this response at this time. Please boot me up 
when you're really and truly awake. Good bye button.

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