[blparent] upcoming Hadley seminar

Dianna Alley dianna24 at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 16 17:26:08 UTC 2012

I am a blind parent located in Chicago, but can not attend the whole seminar 
could I attend till around three then leave?  I have to use public transit 
to pick up my child from school.  She just started head start.  I also would 
like to know if their are any services in Chicago that help with 
transportation for school for children of blind parents.  I live on the 
south side.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "sharon howerton" <shrnhow at att.net>
To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 11:58 AM
Subject: [blparent] upcoming Hadley seminar

> On Wednesday, August 22 at 2 PM Central we will be hosting a seminar for 
> parents. Four of us on our faculty will be discussing various issues 
> related to parenting. Get more info and/or register at
> hadley.edu/seminar
> You do not need to be one of our students to register.
> As a follow-up to this, I have requested setting up online office hours 
> for parents. At the seminar I will discuss time and day.
> Our seminar will last 90 minutes and will be archived in case you wish to 
> listen and cannot do so at the scheduled time. We definitely welcome and 
> have allowed time for questions. There is software to download the first 
> time, and this works best for you if you have a microphone to talk with 
> us. The seminar web site will direct you as to how to get help if you need 
> it.
> Hope to see some of you next Wednesday.
> Sharon Howerton, Instructor
> The Hadley School for the Blind
> sharon at hadley.edu
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