[blparent] Print and Braille letters

Jodie and Kahlan xandir at samobile.net
Fri Aug 17 04:09:21 UTC 2012

Hi. If you can find a braille/print copy of either the complete 
adventures of Curious George, or even just a copy of the story in it 
called Curious George learns the alphabet, you might be able to help 
your children with upper and lower case letters. The man with the 
yellow hat teaches George the alphabet by describing the letters in 
terms he can understand, and if I'm not mistaken because I only heard 
the audio version from bard, there are pictures of the letters. Hope 
this helps. I'm going to get through the rest of this mountain of email 
and go to bed. Good night and sleep well.

 But even if there aren't, maybe the deswcriptions will help the little 
ones learn.

Hugs from Jodie and kahlan

good morning dialog. Either you can yawn and stretch and hit space on 
the get out of bed button or tab to the snooze button. Remember if you 
hit space on the cancel button, that means that you're not in your 
right mind to make a decision at this current time. Cancel button. 
Sorry, we can't accept this response at this time. Please boot me up 
when you're really and truly awake. Good bye button.

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