[blparent] sippy cups

Jodie and Kahlan xandir at samobile.net
Tue Aug 21 02:23:59 UTC 2012

Hi Agnes. Wic told us we could start her on the sippy, so we got one 
for her. She is on baby food, which Wic also delivers and we have 
plenty more also. *grins* She seems to like the food, so to try to get 
her to drink from the sippy today I dipped the little mouth piece in 
the last little bit of her baby food that was so little I couldn't get 
it up with the spoon. I think that was when she drank from it a little. 
I've heard that they should be weened off the bottle after a year, so 
I'm hoping starting her on the sippy now will make that easier, and I 
never let her take a bottle to bed with her. We're getting her on a 
schedule of a bottle in the morning, the rest of the day time feedings 
being baby food and drinks from her cup, then a bottle in the evening 
before she goes to bed.

Hugs from Jodie and kahlan

good morning dialog. Either you can yawn and stretch and hit space on 
the get out of bed button or tab to the snooze button. Remember if you 
hit space on the cancel button, that means that you're not in your 
right mind to make a decision at this current time. Cancel button. 
Sorry, we can't accept this response at this time. Please boot me up 
when you're really and truly awake. Good bye button.

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