[blparent] Hadley info

sharon howerton shrnhow at att.net
Tue Aug 28 12:00:34 UTC 2012

Good morning, all!
I had mentioned that last week four of us on the Hadley faculty participated in a seminar concerning blind parenting. This seminar is more than likely archived by now at
and will be available as a transcript, but I will admit I did not know we did this until a member of this list inquired and Dawn Turco, our senior vice president who moderated our seminar, clarified. As a follow-up to this seminar, I have scheduled office hours to take place online on Wednesdays at 1 PM Central starting tomorrow, August 29, and every Wednesday thereafter unless I experience a scheduling conflict in which case I'll ask for a message to be posted on our web site. This is a new attempt for me but is something I have felt could be very useful. I teach our three course Parenting series (Preparation, Infancy and Early Years), but it is not necessary that participants are students of mine or Hadley in order to join our office hours. Of course, we would welcome students for these courses, and you can ask me about that, too. If you would like more information, please contact me at 
sharon at hadley.edu
at which time I will give you log on information. Participants do not need to make a regular commitment. Just come when you can and we'll see how it goes. For now this will be a 30 minute session. If we find we need 60 minutse, I'll request the time which is what I needed to do with my Braille students. If you have a microphone, that works best so you can listen as well as talk, but that is not necessary and, yes, the site is Mac compatible.
Hope to see some of you there.
Sharon Howerton, Instructor
The Hadley School for the Blind
(though this is my personal email address)     

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