[blparent] baby does not burp

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Sun Jun 3 00:31:58 UTC 2012

There are a few ways you can burp a baby, mostly using one hand.
Hold him against you with one arm and use your hand to lightly pat his 
back. The pats should be rithmic, gentle yet firm. From time to time 
you can  use your hand to ake circular masage-like motions from the 
bottom to the top of his back. Then pat the top of his back again, just 
between the shoulder blades. This ensures that any air that the baby 
has swallowed will come up to the top so that he can burp it out.
Another simple way to burp a baby is to put him on your shoulder and 
pat his back as described before.
I'm sorry if I didn't explain it right, but I hope it helps at least somewhat.


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