[blparent] FW: [Nfbnet-members-list] Calling on All NFB Family

Veronica Smith madison_tewe at spinn.net
Wed Mar 7 18:24:05 UTC 2012

Hello, I know that you aren't all NFb members, but after reading this, it's
not all about NFB, but about children, blind children getting what they need
to become educated students. V

	Dear NFB Family, 
	WE are in great need of support for a crisis in Mississippi.
Recently HB960 was introduced to the Education Committee. We as members of
Parents of Blind Children sat down with Mississippi Department of Education
and Mississippi School for the Blind. We made compromises to include their
thoughts and made an agreement on the bill that would go through house and
Senate. It (HB960) passed the House Education Committee with the agreed upon
changes. It passed Senate Education Committee without the agreed upon
changes and weaker language. We need you to email our Representatives and
Our Senators in support of HB960. This bill calls for competent braille
teachers, text books on time, and aligns MS law with federal law when
providing braille to low vision and blind students.
	Please help us by listening to the video link below and then email
representatives at house.ms.gov <mailto:representatives at house.ms.gov>  and
seantors at senate.ms.gov <mailto:seantors at senate.ms.gov>  . Help us show
Mississippi that 50,000 plus blind people are interested in the education of
blind and low vision students. Let them know we will not sit on the outside
of the room while they decide the future of our kids. 
	Thank you, 
	Casey Robertson
	Teacher of Blind Students M.ED NCLB

"Casey West" <caseywest94 at hotmail.com>

<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvI_IhdzytY>  Kids Speaking for Kids

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