[blparent] early pregnancy and food sensitivity?

Zunaira Wasif zwasif at my.fau.edu
Mon Mar 12 14:05:14 UTC 2012

I guess it just depends on how individually sensative you are to
things like caffine.  Pregnancy automaticly boosts your metabolism and
heart rate, so sometimes ading caffine on top of that can be a bit
much.  Some people become tolerent to caffine after a while, so they
don't experience the same sensativity.

On 3/11/12, Peggy <pshald at neb.rr.com> wrote:
> I would listen to your body and what it tells you.  Pregnancy is weird and
> makes us do weird things.  With my daughter I couldn't drink diet Coke at
> all!!  With my middle son it was Doritoes and for sever years after I
> couldn't stand the smell of them.  But if you can drink that cup of coffee
> go ahead and drink it, if not then pass it by for the day.  I never gave up
> caffine during my pregnancies ... cut back some ... and all three of my kids
> are fine, well as fine as they can be for being my kids.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tay Laurie
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 12:40 PM
> To: Blind Parents Mailing List
> Subject: [blparent] early pregnancy and food sensitivity?
> Hey,
> Just wondering if anyone here experienced weird food sensitivity while
> pregnant? I normally can drink a large pot of coffee no problemo, but ever
> since (we're fairly sure) I got pregnant, I can't drink any coffee. Even
> just one cup makes my heart race and makes me really anxious and snippy. And
> there really hasn't been any change in my meds, etc, so I don't know if I'm
> just being paranoid or if it's just how things work.
> If I've asked an inappropriate question,  I do sincerely apologise.
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