[blparent] Pregnancy and food

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 13 19:47:13 UTC 2012


I've never been able to stand peanut butter even before pregnant.
Sometimes it's okay, but usually I can't stand the taste or smell. I do
love eggs though, and have been eating up to two hard-boiled eggs a day
for snacks. You're correct in that they offer a lot of protein which is
good for baby as well as a plethora of other health benefits. I love
eggs in any form.

I love fruits and raw veggies, which I usually keep on hand to snack on
and for meals. I like chocolate sometimes, but I have to be in a mood
for it. I can't just eat it whenever. I actually opt for dark chocolate
when eating it since, as you say, it's a little better than milk
chocolate. I don't do cake at all; just don't like it especially when it
has butter cream icing. I do love cheesecake though. Yummy!

Though I prefer salty stuff, I don't like added salt. I know people who
will dump salt all over things, and it's just too much for me. My
mother-in-law salts her pizza. I just don't know how she does it.

I actually don't eat a lot of meat in general. I'm not a vegetarian,
though I did try it for a year when I was a teen. I'm not really sure
why, but I just am not a big meat eater. This causes a lot of problems
at home because my husband would eat meat with a side of meat for each
meal, grin. Ordering something like pizza is difficult because he wants
all meat and I want all veggie, LOL!

We typically eat lean meat around here, and usually we opt for
turkey-based meats like turkey bacon or ground turkey instead of red
meat, though I certainly can enjoy steak or a good hamburger at times.

I'm really into Greek yogurt. I eat it for meals with granola or for
snacks. It's another really good source of protein.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 13:05:49 -0700
From: "Erin Rumer" <erinrumer at gmail.com>
To: "'Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [blparent] Pregnancy and food sensitivity
Message-ID: <002101cd008b$85d315f0$917941d0$@gmail.com>
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Yep, the things I love are lean meats, fruits and lots of veggies.  I
never was a real candy lover except for the occasional dark chocolate
square but who can resist such deliciousness?  Besides, the darker the
chocolate the better it is for you anyways! SMILING

The only strange thing that I ever really craved while pregnant was hard
boiled eggs and peanut butter together.  I know that's weird but I
couldn't get enough of it at times and my boy sure loved the protein.


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