[blparent] Suggestions about products helpful when baby arrives

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 15 17:20:10 UTC 2012


I know quite frequently there are post here seeking tips and suggestions
for products that are handy after baby arrives, but in an attempt to be
comprehensive, I'm requesting, in a single post, any items, products,
devices, etc. you recommend to have once Baby P arrives. I'm mostly
looking for general items, but if you used, or know of, accessible ones
too, that's great.

I have six months until the "blessed event," but as I'm a planner and
list-oriented person, and I'm starting to nest (smile) I'm compiling
lists of things to get, or be prepared to get, once September rolls
around. There are the obvious items, onsies, bottles, receiving
blankets, diapers, crib, stroller, clothing, blah, blah, blah, but as I
don't want to over-look anything, I welcome all and any suggestions,
including the ones I just listed, grin.

Pertaining mostly to baby, but also if something pops in your head
that's beneficial for mommy too, that's great as well. I'd appreciate
the support and suggestions.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
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