[blparent] Accepting help

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 21 02:08:36 UTC 2012

What you state here is completely on the mark. Helping should be a give
and take relationship. And while those helping us certainly deserve our
thanks, this does not mean we allow anyone to "rule" our choices; and
the same goes for when we help others.

Thanks for the link. Getting to and from the market is not too big of an
issue. Two of the markets we frequent have employees who know us by now
and we usually receive good employees to assist us. We also have two
family members who are pretty dependable. I prefer to shop in person,
but should I ever require delivery grocery service, it's good to know
options exist.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 13:41:00 -0500
From: "Jan Wright" <jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com>
Subject: [blparent] ACCEPTING HELP
Message-ID: <C739FF7445D1451CB74B866FAF2F6E8F at imranroom>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

this is an interesting subject.
whenever someone offers to "help" I ask them to be specific about "how"
they are offering to help. 1. sometimes the "help" they want to give  is
not needed .... ... or needed by them. 
2. sometimes their "help" is ineffective.
3. sometimes they may not realize the  amount of time and/or energy that
goes into that help.
I have higher expectations of People who "help" or "assist" as their
job. There are lots of control issues (unfortunately) around giving and
accepting help. help does not mean that we relinquish control of the
situation. I have had too many people that have tried to "take over,"
when I have accepted their offer for help.  I have learned to be very
specific on "how" I need help. If people are helping with a pure heart,
then they will listen to what you really need and not do what they think
you need. If they don't, then I don't ask them again. This does not mean
that I feel entitled to their help. This also does not mean that I
selfishly take their help without caring about their feelings, etc. In
addition, I always offer help in return. I believe that a true helping
relationship should be reciprocal and I tend to ask those people who
understand this concept. They are much more respectful of my choices. 
BTW., Peapod
also delivers food and probably has the tea your looking for. I know
that they have greek yogurt... they had it on sale a couple of weeks.
But, they might not deliver in your area yet. It is worth a look.

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