[blparent] visual stimulation and eye contact with babies

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Fri May 11 16:50:58 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,
This has been in the back of my mind for weeks now, and I'm wondering 
what input you all have to offer.
As you may remember, I'm a first-time mother of a baby boy who is two 
months old now. Both my partner and I are totally blind, and our son, 
as far as we know, is regularly sighted. Since we're the ones who spend 
the most time with him, I'm wondering how we can ensure that we are 
engaging him with enough visual stimulation. I don't mean playing silly 
games like peek-a-boo or making silly faces, etc. We're totally 
comfortable with that.  My concern is the lack of eye contact. I've 
read that eye contact is an integral part of an infant's development, 
and he gets that when his grandma and aunties are over, but he spends 
much more time with us as I mentioned. How have the rest of you dealt 
with that sort of thing--I'm mostly addressing people who are totally 
blind, but everyone is welcome to input their thoughts.

Thanks in advance.


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