[blparent] blparent resorce list leashes

Shannan Zinck shannanzinck at gmail.com
Tue May 29 22:56:03 UTC 2012

When my husband and I decided to adopt we felt the same way as you
especially since my husband had a cusin who was tied up like a dog as a
child neck collar and all, Cruel I know. Well we fought it and even agreed
for the sake of the adoption to use one however if at all possible we
wearn't going to. Well when our child hit a certain age, coupled with the
fact that he is a little hyper and random we quickly realized either we
were  going to use a leash or our child was going to hurt himself. I,m not
arguing here just painting a realistic picture of what many parents face.
What we did was got a harness that was a little horse and the tail is the
leash. I still have trouble with the idea of using anything meant for a dog
on a child but, I also know that a parent needs to do what it takes to keep
their baby safe, We got a locator because my husband wants the option of
taking my son outside without having to worry about wether he can find him
or not. My son is very good at being sneaky. He can get all the way to our
kitchen from his bedroom without us hearing a thing and we have wood floors
in an echoey house. In our case we struggled with it but knew in order to
keep him safe we had to do this. Maybe you will be blessed with a child who
doesn't go random on you and run off, I hope that's the case. But for us
that's just not the way it's going to be. My motto in life is eat the fish
and spit out the bones, what your comfortable with if fine for you but
realize that every situation is very different and A of us here are doing
the best we can to raise our children. I thought you could make a child
mind once apon a time but, now I am wise to the fact that they do have to
learn and with learning comes bumps and bruises along the way. Your baby is
young discuss the leash isssue when your little one is running around like
mad and you don't know quite for sure where he is. And this will happen to
you at least once I assure you. I just wanted to encourage you to be open
minded and understanding of others situations, You may never need gadgets
like this but, try to understand those of us that do.

Shannan Zinck
Survival is letting GOD take over!!!

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