[blparent] chat for parents

sharon howerton shrnhow at att.net
Tue Oct 2 12:05:47 UTC 2012

This is just a reminder about my "office hours" for blind and visually impaired parents, parents to be, grandparents, etc. to be held tomorrow, Wednesday (and every Wednesday unless otherwise notified) at 1 PM Central for 30 minutes. I am an instructor with Hadley and teach a three course Parenting series (Preparation, Infancy and Early Years), courses for blind and visually impaired people with sighted children though I have had students with disabled children as well. We do not discuss course work, and you do not have to be my student or a Hadley student to participate. In August, four of us on the Hadley faculty participated in one of our seminars; this particular one focused on issues of blind parenting. It just so happened that my sons were the oldest and the only males! As a follow-up to that, I decided to start having a chat (which we at Hadley call office hours) for individuals who may wish to discuss their parenting questions or concerns with other parents, grandparents, etc. This works best if you have a microphone. If you would like more information about office hours or the courses, you are welcome to contact me at
sharon at hadley.edu
Sharon Howerton, Instructor
The Hadley School for the Blind

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