[blparent] model state custody bill

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Sat Sep 8 02:34:17 UTC 2012

Kate has a point here. I thought about this myself--it's a ligitimit 
thing to bring up. I can imagine it's tricky for social services and 
other medical and state staff to determine which blind parents are put 
under scrutiny for reasons that pertain to blindness or some reasons 
which may branch from blindness but aren't directly related. I guess it 
has to do with the willingness of the parent to get their issues in 
order and dealt with. You can teach a parent  who is undereducated but 
eager to learn and care for a child. It's markedly different, and I'd 
imagine much more difficult to deal with someone who doesn't feel they 
need any extra education, but clearly do. It's a valid point because it 
measures the difference between a need for enlightenment and child 


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