[blparent] Diaper Rash

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Sat Sep 8 08:07:36 UTC 2012

Oops, sorry. I read the message over and realized you're talking about 
a girl. My bad. I'm beyond sleepy--for some reason I was sure you were 
talking about a boy. Probably because I have a little boy myself. So 
just disregard the bit about the penis and testicles, obviously. lol. 
Girls are so much easier to change and diaper rash can be spotted much 
easier with them. but apply the cream and do a thorough clean with a 
wet washcloth every few hours and she'll be fine. Important thing to 
remember when changing a girl though: When changing a poopy diaper, 
make sure to wipe front to back, not back to front. if you clean her up 
from back to front, you can transmit bacteria from the colon into her 
vagina and urethra, and she can get a urinary tract infection. Those 
are painful for grown-up women, so you can imagine how bad it could be 
for an infant.
Anyway, I don't mean to worry or scare you. People didn't know about 
urinary tract infections and front to back wiping back in the day and 
somehow, baby girls survived. lol. But just  keep in mind to wipe, 
front to back. Try not to let the poo make contact with her girly parts. lol
Ok. I'm ranbling now. It's beyond bedtime for me.
Have a good time with your niece. and dont' hesitate to ask any more 
questions. we're here to help you.


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