[blparent] diapers

Tatyana tagriru at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 21:49:52 UTC 2012

I see an ongoing discussion on cloth diapers on the list, but I'd like to ask  those parents who use disposable diapers for  a baby care.

Are cloth diapers less irritating for a child skin than disposable ones?

I'm just getting started,   the diapers world is huge and I would like  to minimize  trials and errors with my baby skin, so I think the best  way to go would be using less harsh diapers, no dyes, no perfumes. It seems like some brannds  declare that they are free of bad chemicals but in reality it's not so perfect.

 I understand that  every child is different and some may get a rash, some not. Also every brand     has few product lines on the market, I'm wondering  how to start. I think I'll need to bye a few different small packs of various brands. But how many? How fast  my boy  is going to over grow to a next size? Are boys and girls diapers are different? What brands do you vote for?

Thank you all for your help.


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