[blparent] Ayla Update

Jo Elizabeth Pinto jopinto at msn.com
Sat Aug 17 18:00:33 UTC 2013

Ayla sounds like a sweetheart.  Doesn't her dad live in a different state, 
though?  Is he coming to see her?  Not prying, you don't have to answer if 
you don't want to, I just try to keep everybody's stories straight in my 
head because I'm interested and want to be supportive.

Jo Elizabeth

Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may 
kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at 
evening.--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
-----Original Message----- 
From: Sirena
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 9:44 PM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: [blparent] Ayla Update

Hey guys. It's been a little while since my last Ayla update.

Ayla turned 8 months old on the 13 of August. She's crawling now and getting 
into all sorts of mischief. One of her favorite new toys is my guide dog 
Tony's water bowl. I keep the kitchen gated off now. I was doing that 
anyway, but this gives me a really nice reminder not to neglect that action. 

She said "mama" for the first time the other day. It was clear as a bell and 
surrounded by no extraneous baby babble. I'm not sure if she associates me 
with the word, but it was "mama," no matter how she views it. She said "ma" 
today, so maybe she *is* starting to associate. I won't know for a few more 
months yet, I'm afraid.

Now that she's mastered crawling, actually, this began a week after she 
learned how to crawl, she is now trying to pull herself into a standing 
position. She can stand on her feet if I hold her hands or if she's holding 
onto the couch, but she's a bit wobbly, simply because she loves to bounce 
up and down and hasn't yet realized that she'll fall over if she bounces. So 
when she stands, I've always got a hand on her back to steady her.

She's eating solids like a pro and now eats chereos as well. She's got four 
or five teeth and another ready to break through any day now. Actually, she 
might have six. I'm not sure. Isn't that awful? They're just coming out at 
such a rate that I can't count them. And she doesn't like me probing around 
in her mouth.

She drinks a cereal bottle at night now. Mine is a concoction of formula, 
rice cereal and a jar of baby fruit, usually apples, bananas or an apple 
banana mixture. I'm still nursing, but the formula weighs heavier on her 
tummy at night. She's sleeping through the night now due to this. I've 
checked with her pediatrician since I know cereal bottles can be a rather 
controversial topic, and he assures me it's all right.

Last we checked, Ayla was eighteen pounds, two ounces, twenty-seven inches 
long. She's bigger than three out of four girls her age.

We go to play group every Tuesday, Music and Movement every Wednesday and 
Baby Gym every Thursday. If good fortune is on our side, she'll begin swim 
lessons in September. I'm also looking into baby gymnastics.

On a more sour note, we're still suffering through a legal struggle. There's 
a court date set for November, so I'm pretty worried about that. Our case is 
strong, so that comforts me. I always just fear that one small chance, you 

Not to end on such a sad note, Tony (the guide dog) and Ayla are pals! Ayla 
crawls to Tony's bed and tries to talk with him. She gets very indignant 
when he doesn't answer.

Tony is so good with her. Today, I was cuddling Tony and Ayla got jealous. 
She crawled over Tony and nursed, nestled between my body and Tony's head. 
After nursing, she reclined on top of Tony and watched TV. Then she rolled 
off of him and reclined against him while she continued to watch TV. All 
through this, Tony just laid there and snored.

He gives her kisses all the time, doesn't growl or get bent out of shape 
when she steals his Nylabone and lets her tug on his collar, play with his 
ears, drool on his head and she even bit him once with no reaction. Of 
course, I don't encourage biting or hitting or even excessive yanking of the 
collar. I don't want him to think he's getting a leash correction. But 
babies will be babies and he's just an amazing boy for taking this little 
critter's actions in stride.

Ayla's got an overnight weekend visitation starting tomorrow, so she'll be 
gone until Monday. I'll really miss her, but it might be nice to get a 
little break. I'm just trying to remain positive and with God's blessing, 
all will continue to go well.


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