[blparent] welcome Gloria

Jodie and Kahlan xandir at samobile.net
Tue Feb 19 21:18:06 UTC 2013

Trust me Gloria, your questions are not silly!

When you feel the baby move, it does feel like flutters. To me, at 
first, it kind of felt like when you have a twitching muscle, but it's 
on the inside. After a while, you begin to be able to tell that it's a 
little person inside there. It's the best feeling in the world, second 
only to the feeling you'll have when you hold your baby for the first 
time! If you're not feeling it by now, don't worry. I was told between 
eighteen and twenty-two weeks.

You can use a quarter cup measuring cup to measure two ounces. So for 
two ounces of formula, one scoop- and one quarter cup.

Medicine is not all that hard once you get used to it. Sometimes I give 
Kahlan baby tylenol for her teething pain, or if she has a fever. I 
take the dropper that comes with the bottle and suck it in from a half 
a t-spoon, a measuring t-spoon rather than an adult metal one. Does 
that make sense? But you'll want the smallest t-spoon when your baby is 
smaller. Your doctor can tell you the correct measurements to give and 
then we can help you figure it out with the measuring spoons if you 
need, or maybe you and your husband can work together the first few 
times if you have to give the baby medeicine until you're comfortable. 
Chris and I are both totally blind, so we had to ask the doctor and the 
visiting nurse, as well as the list, for help the first few times.

You don't need a lot to be accessible, but I would recommend a talking 
thermometer for checking the baby's temperature. Kahlan hates it when I 
do that because she doesn't like to keep still so I can put it under 
her arm, but it gets the job done. You might want to buy measuring cups 
and measuring spoons if you don't have them already. We have Braille 
ones, but we also have ones that are together on a ring and you can 
tell by the size what measurement they are.

I hope all this helps. I can't wait to find out what you're having; I 
just knew Kahlan would be a girl! Do you have a feeling? Do you think 
you know what your baby's sex will be? I'm just curious because part of 
it for me was intuition and part of it was that every woman I talked to 
said the morning sickness is always worse with girls than for boys.

Hugs from Jodie and kahlan
"Only a fool walks into the future backward."
Terry Goodkind

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