[blparent] shaving legs

Gabe Vega theblindtech at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 08:10:19 UTC 2013

This is a very tough subject for me and ealing with it has not been an easy task. my daughter is 12, and has been going through puberty since she was 8. and has been hairy, acording to her since she was about 9, she started growing hair at 8, but apparently she didn't pay attention to it until a year later.

I have debated in my own self weather to allow it, and I have even consulted with close friends, even my daughter's doctor, and I am no closer to a decition then I first started.

I know eventually she would need to shave, but man, its a hard scarry decition to make. my daughter has experienced a crazy growth spert as well so that doesn't help. she is tall and very healthy at 5 foot 4 inches and 155 pounds.

I also have the thought that if I were to ever give her a shaver, it would also be electric, I mean, it does all the work for you and I would just show her the concept by showing her how I shave my face. my chin and my beard. and she'll have to maybe learn some things from the doctor as well or maybe one of my sisters. but shaving my face is a good place for her to see me start her at, when ever I get over this fright maybe in about 10 years. haha JK. :-)
Gabe Vega
Commtech LLC
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On Mar 16, 2013, at 6:25 PM, "Veronica Smith" <madison_tewe at spinn.net> wrote:

> I toyed with the subject whether or not it was blind parent related and you
> can see, I decided it is indeed.  My daughter is now 13 and a little lady.
> I noticed that her legs and a big hairy which means it is that time for
> shaving.  
> I was wondering if any of you moms or dads know of a razor that might be
> safe for those first timers?  I remember when I was a teen, I used something
> called a flicker, which was made for beginners.
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