[blparent] I'm distraught!

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Wed Mar 27 01:02:44 UTC 2013

I don't know how to answer this one because first of all your going to have to work on forgiving yourself which is probably the hardest thing of all. As tempting as it might be try not to give in to guilt and fear because those emotions make everything so much worse. I'm wondering and not blaming how did your dog respond to this situationHi jo Elizabeth I'm so sorry this has happened to you. 

? I made wrong trafic calls with my dog before and it is scary. I know it would be tempting never to go out alone with Sarah but don't give in to that because it won't be good for either of you. The sooner you can trust yourself again the sooner she will relax. Sheila Leigland

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