[blparent] [Bulk] Re: Introduction

Jennifer Stewart Jackson jennifersjackson at att.net
Tue Nov 5 21:50:04 UTC 2013

I like to advise blind parents to really learn as much as you can about
installing car seats. If you go to one of the inspection events, explain to
the inspectors that you will be needing to move your safety seat around in
cabs and other vehicles. One really helpful technique is to put your knee
into the seat and use all of your body weight to force the safety seat as
deep into the car seat as possible while you buckle it in. I am sure that
the other women will at least appreciate the self-consciousness of waving my
butt up in the air while I in acted this kind of installation.

Please also keep socks on your little ones feet. It seems to be a common
over site amongst new parents and will save you a lot of fussing by the
grandmother types. :) More importantly, it will keep a baby warm and new
born are unable to control their own body temps.

As is the usual for this list, you have already received a lot of great
answers to your questions. I hope you stick around and become part of the


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