[blparent] use of equipment and devices for blind parrents
Jesper Holten
jesper.holten at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 10:07:40 UTC 2014
Hello Judy
and stargazer!
thank you so much for your experience. We will defenately use our
common sense bringing up our child but it is also good to hear other
blind parrents ways of doing things, so thank you very much for your
Best regards, Jesper.
On 8/30/14, Judy Jones via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> The unwind behavior pattern sounds so familiar, so true. Parents know their
> children best, in spite of what friends or family think.
> Our daughters were both so different. The eldest was the giggly baby you
> could take anywhere, slept through the night after the first couple weeks, a
> very easy baby.
> On the other hand, daughter 2 was just as lovable, but never slept through
> the night for the longest. As a newborn, she would get over-stimulated in
> busy environments such as stores, noise of any kind, or groups of people,
> and start screaming. I would have to go to a quiet place to calm her down,
> then she would be fine. We called her our "high needs" baby. Today she is
> a lovely independent 24-year-old, so being there for her when she was
> little, no matter how inconvenient, paid off. I remember hearing that the
> more you cuddle and meet a baby's needs as they grow into toddlerhood, the
> more independent and self-directed they will be as children and adults,
> because they learn you are always there for them no matter when they cry, if
> they cry, whatever the need is, you pop up. It's a lot of wear and tear on
> the parent, but definitely worth it when you see your adult children.
> Judy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Star Gazer via blparent
> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 2:37 PM
> To: 'Jesper Holten' ; 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
> Cc: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: [blparent] use of equipment and devices for blind parrents
> Steve gave you excellent advice.
> What sorts of physical changes are you thinking about? It's hard to answer
> this question without knowing what you're thinking about.
> Gather data from different sources, but also remember to use your own head
> and heart and judgement. I thought of using slings with both my girls. When
> they were born, I just couldn't. The inner voice we all have just told me
> no. So I didn't use them. If you and your wife are ok with slings, then use
> them.
> You have common sense, intelligence and life experience. That doesn't go
> away when you have a baby. You also have love, so you may do things that
> make sense for your family. My older daughter needs to unwind when we come
> home. The time of day doesn't matter, it could be 5 p.m. or it could be
> much
> later. The wind-down process is the same, she needs to walk around, talk,
> sometimes draw, and it's clear if you know her, she's getting ready for
> sleep. It probablhy would look like a kid stalling about bedtime to anybody
> but us, and I'm sure it sounds like that to some of you reading.
> You'll get it all figured out I'm sure.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jesper
> Holten via blparent
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 4:22 AM
> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [blparent] use of equipment and devices for blind parrents
> Dear all.
> I and my wife are expecting our baby in December and have started preparing
> for the addition to our Family. We are both completely blind and we would
> like to get input on what some of you have been buying, when it comes to
> equipment and devices games, changes to the house etc?
> 1. We will be living in a house with a ground floor and a first floor
> containing bedrooms and the master bathroom. And we plan to install a gate
> at the staircase later when the Little one starts to move around on his
> own.
> Changing dibers will most likely happen in the bathroom but what kind of
> setup have you been using?
> 2. We are planning to use a baby carrier for longer transports maybe a
> backpack. We are also consdering a baby sling but would like input on what
> type. THere has been some concerns about the use of baby slings especially
> for newborns, and we would like som input on this as well.
> 3. If you have ideas on any physical changes we should consider making or
> ways to prepare for the baby all suggestions are welcome.
> 4. We will get consultancy from a professional at the Institute for the
> Blind here in Denmark Here in Denmark there are a few totally blind couples
> but we imagine that there are a larger Group in the US where both parrents
> are blind.
> Thank you in advance,
> Best regards, Jesper
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