[blparent] Lockdown Drill at School

Kate McEachern kflsouth at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 15:04:17 UTC 2014

Sadly, all schools have lockdown drills these days. My preschooler and my fifth-grader both schools have these drills at least once a month. There's never a note sent home, we're just informed at the beginning of the school year that they will happen. Sad truth is they can't send you a warning, because the real thing would have no warning. I don't understand your daughter thinking she has to protect you? I would suggest that you may sit with her and try to see why she feels this way. I wouldn't involve a counselor, there's no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill. As far as her tantruming, you may need to talk to her about how no matter how she feels during certain situations she just has to listen. There's no compromising. I'm not sure what I would do in the situation either, it's a scary thing to think about. Good luck
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> On Jan 12, 2014, at 12:00 AM, Jennifer Bose <jen10514 at gmail.com> wrote:
> JoElizabeth, it sounds like you're handling this in the best way you
> can. My own head's spinning as I read this thread. My children aren't
> in K-12 yet, so I don't know, but why doesn't the school just let
> parents know ahead of time that there's going to be a lock-down drill?
> A lot of this would have been better understood if they had. I'm of
> the opinion that there probably needs to be some type of drill to deal
> with this terrifying possibility, even though it doesn't happen as
> often as a fire would. Maybe it seems futile, and the trainings have
> to evolve into something that would prevent the loss of more lives,
> but I just think we have to be aware that there are people who want to
> commit these horrible crimes. A friend of mine lost her nephew in the
> Newtown shooting, and I spent much of my childhood one town over from
> there, so my concern is colored by all that.
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