[blparent] Lockdown drill at school

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Sun Jan 12 17:16:31 UTC 2014

Jo Elizabeth, sorry if I'm talking apples to oranges here, but tonight,
there will be a retrospective of the 1994 earthquake in Northridge, CA, 20
years later.  Every once in a while, schools are required to conduct
unannounced earthquake drills, or drop drills.  I was a "superhero," too,
but with few answers.  We get to the point that kids get traumatized to
these events.

1.  It's a means of survival.  Kids will always worry about Mommy.  And
Daddy.  Iwould, too.  Just do the thing you did and do the best you can. 
You need to practice at home.  If something would happen to you, God
forbid, what would you do?  Where or whom would you call?  Is someone
sighted available?  Do you have a godma or godpa?  Godmother or godfather?

For the new ones on the list right now would be a good time to mention
Hadley School for the Blind's Safety in the Home course with Edwin Haines. 
You can talk to Ed about this, and learn alot!


Eric from Los Angeles!  Live life!  Love community!  Eric Calhoun on
Facebook: eric at pmpmail.com.

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