[blparent] Going out with kids and going out in the winter

Danielle Antoine singingmywayin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 21:58:09 UTC 2014

If you are looking for a more structured place The Little Gym is great
if you plan on going regularly and there services are geared I think
from 6 months to 8 years old. In the case of places like Chuck E.
Cheez and Celebration Station, I went sighted guide if I had a cane
but with my Seeing Eye dog, Eden, I would say "Find (insert person's
name) and we would meet up again.


On 11/20/14, Danielle Antoine <singingmywayin at gmail.com> wrote:
> So to Jessica. Yes, if it is a place similar to celebration Station or
> Chuck E. Cheez you are correct! These places I have found the noise
> level quite aggravating and difficult to travel in. Keep in mind they
> don't have age appropriate play areas for young babies either. They
> are geared mor toward walking preschoolers and up. However, a place
> like Judy and I were talking about are quieter and geared toward all
> ages and can especially accommodate disabled children  since the areas
> are somewhat segregated. Places like Mr Gatti's and Gatti Town Cici's
> Pizza and that 50's style diner izza place are along the same lines as
> Chuck E Cheez as well. Some of the indoor inflatable play places do
> have areas geared toward younger babies and tend to be quite calm.
> Hope this helps and gives you something to work with.
> Danielle
> P.S. for Anyone traveling to Baton Rouge, LA they have unfortunately
> closed Monkey Bizz Fun Center.
> On 11/16/14, Miriam Feiner via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hi, my name is Marianne Feiner and I live in upstate New York.
>> There are no mothers groups in my area but I do go to story time with my
>> kids. This is in the library this is obviously easier than a park because
>> it
>> is more confined. One of the things that makes it easier for me is that I
>> put bells on my kids clothes or shoes or slippers so I know where they
>> are.
>> I think because your child is so young you will probably be next to them
>> all
>> the time anyway. The bells are very helpful.
>> In regards to going out in the winter. Do you have your baby in a
>> stroller
>> or in a carrier? In a stroller you can have a snowsuit and especially a
>> plastic covering that goes over the stroller specially made for a
>> stroller.
>> If they are in a carrier you can either zipper them with your coat and
>> put
>> on a hat or they sell special coverage for a carrier to keep the baby
>> warm.
>> Or in the carrier you can put a snowsuit on them before you put them in
>> the
>> carrier
>> Also, there is no good blessing in my area either. When I call a taxi I
>> usually explain that I don't see NAS them to honk when they are outside
>> my
>> house. Depending on the company they will do this or not.
>> Sent from my iPhone
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