[blparent] Meal planning

Annely Rose annely53r at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 8 21:51:47 UTC 2015

Hi Jennifer,

I don't usually reply on this list, but I wanted to add my 2 cents.  Another way to save money is to go through the grocery ads of the grocery stores you shop at and take advantage of what is on sale for that week and plan your meals accordingly.  I find this to be helpful.  Crockpots are great because you can't burn anything in them because of the low temps.  NLS has a lot of cookbooks, even for beginners.  Take care, good luck, and God bless.

On Thu, 1/8/15, Jennifer Woods via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [blparent] Meal planning
 To: "Jo Elizabeth Pinto" <jopinto at msn.com>
 Cc: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
 Date: Thursday, January 8, 2015, 4:36 PM
 Hi Jo,
 I honestly don't have any
 routines yet.
 We just moved in with my
 parents in March, so there is still a lot of adjustment
 I'm in the process of trying
 to get my son and I our own place.
 I asked
 my dad to go to the store and pick up a few things. I want
 to try and crockpot a breakfast casserole for Sunday
 This will be my first attempt at
 cooking something other than pasta. Smile.
 -I love pasta.
 -I am not a fan
 of spicy food.
 -I have a soy allergy so I
 need to be careful that I only consume soybean oil as any
 other type of soy makes me sick. 
 Hope this
 helps give you a starting point.
 On Jan 8, 2015, at 1:25 PM,
 Jo Elizabeth Pinto <jopinto at msn.com>
 Okay, well, a good
 starting point would be to tell us what you are doing now so
 we have something to build on and we aren't beginning
 from scratch.  It's easier to improve on routines you
 have already established and habits that are working for you
 than it is to impose our own ideas on  you, ideas that
 might not fit your lifestyle or your tastes at all.
 I will say that a crockpot is
 your best friend, especially if it's just you and a
 toddler to cook for.  One of the most useful cookbooks I
 ever came across was from the NLS.  I don't remember
 the author, but the title was "Crockery
 Cookery."  I listened to it on four-track tape,
 probably close to twenty-five years ago, so I hope it has
 been converted to whatever those cartridge doohickeys are
 that they're using now.  I copied dozens of recipes
 from that crockpot cookbook into braille, and I still use
 them today. They're practical, easy, and not just the
 same old stews and soups you usually find.  The nice thing
 about a crockpot is that if you have a small family, you can
 make three or four dishes, then freeze the leftovers of each
 meal and alternate them so you don't end up eating one
 thing for a week straight before you move on to the next. 
 I'd be glad to send you a few recipes to start you off
 if you write to me privately at jopinto at msn.com,
 since it would probably be better not to clutter up the
 list.  But I would recommend that you look for the entire
 book if you are an NLS user.  It would be an excellent
 resource for you as a new cook.
 Jo Elizabeth
 Truth is tough. It will not break, like a
 bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like
 a football, and it will be round and full at
 evening.--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
 -----Original Message----- From: Jennifer Woods
 via blparent
 Sent: Thursday, January 08,
 2015 1:53 PM
 To: Blind Parents Mailing
 Subject: [blparent] Meal planning
 Hi Everyone,
 I'm embarrassed to say
 this, but I'm new to cooking.
 I really
 want to cook more and plan ahead with meal preparation so
 that we're eating healthier and saving money.
 Being a newly single mom and
 having a toddler this is a whole new experience for me.
 How do those of you who know
 how to cook do it?
 I am
 thinking about using the crockpot some, as I can prep and go
 then dinner is ready when we get home.
 How do you all do it?
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