[blparent] just checking in.

Wendy Meuse w_meuse at telus.net
Wed Jul 15 04:07:44 UTC 2015

Hi all:

I am just sitting here thinking of going to bed soon but i was thinking of you all so I thought I would drop in and say hi.  How is
everyone doing?  Well I hope.  My grandson Zakkry just phoned me from the group home he is staying in in Terrace and we talked for
about twenty minutes on the phone.  He is doing quite well.  The worker he has named Franko took him swimming at the pool tonight
and he was excited to tell me all about it.  He likes to dive off the diving board now.  The high dive no less.  Scares me to death,
but he loves it.  Before he got hurt in his accident he loved it then too.  He laughed when I told him I didn't even like to dive
off of the low diving board.  Him and Franko are going to go for a long hike tomorrow with some other kids.  He was telling me all
about the stuff he has to remember to take.  He is getting to the point where he is writing himself little sticky notes to help him
remember.  I sure never thought he would get to this point after he was so seriously hurt.  His progress is steady and I don't know
how far he will go, but I am so proud of him.  His brother Jason is going to go on the hike witth some of the other kids who need
help.  He is so good with Zakkry.  It blows my mind.  He cares about the other kids too and it shows.  It would be so neat if he got
the training he needs to work with adults with special needs like Zakkry's worker Franko.  well I'm off to bed.  I feel kind of
tired.  tired but happy.
God knows the end from the beginning so we can trust him with everything in between.

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