[blparent] can anyone tell me?

Judy Jones jtj1 at cableone.net
Sun Jun 14 20:12:16 UTC 2015


I love the phrase at the end of your e-mail, and so true!

I understand nowadays that a kit can determine pregnancy with just a few 

It also seems like everyone is finding out for sure whether or not they are 
having a boy or a girl early on through ultra-sound.  I don't think 
ultra-sound was as an exact science when I had my kids.  They could tell I 
had a live baby, but not the sex.  The only way to do that was to have an 
amniocentesis done (excuse spelling), and I wasn't about to have that done.

It also seems like now babies' deliveries are being scheduled on a calendar, 
and they are not letting babies get so big at delivery.  Pointing to later 
female problems as women get older.  This information gleaned from other 
colleagues who are grandparents and others I hear about having babies. 
Those of you in the know, definitely correct my impressions.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Wendy Meuse via blparent
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 12:25 PM
To: blparent at nfbnet.org
Cc: Wendy Meuse
Subject: [blparent] can anyone tell me?

Hi all:

I was wondering if anyone can tell me a couple of things.  And no I don't 
want to know for myself ehehehehe since I am sixty-two and
a happy grandma.  I was asked this morning if I knew how far along you had 
to be before you could find out if you are pregnant.  i
was also asked how far along you had to be before you can find out whether 
the child is a boy or girl.  Inquiring minds want to
know.  Thanks for any information.
God knows the end from the beginning so we can trust him with everything in 

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