[blparent] wanting Ideas on how to feed our baby boy of 6 months.

Jesper Holten jesper.holten at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 20:40:22 UTC 2015

Dear all.
We have been following this list for the past year but we have not
been writing more than a couple of times so abit of introduction is
probably in order.
We are a blind couple living in Denmark and as mentioned we are both
totally blind.
In December my wife gave birth to Liam our very sweet baby boy. Up
till now he has been exclusively breastfed, but we are now starting to
introduce solid food to him with abit of success but not without
struggles which we know is quite normal.
Still, we would like to hear ideas and inputs on how you have managed
the transition to solid food, spoonfeeding strategies as well as
inputs on baby let weaning if any of you have gone down that path?
I guess we are fairly pragmatic whatever works for us and Liam is what
we will do.
We have introduced him to rice porage  mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes
and mashed catrrots, as well as fruit porage and he seem to like it.
However, he really wants to be in charge of the spoon which would be
fine if only the content did not end up every where else but his
mouth. And he is easily distracted from eating more than a half spoon
at the time.
We do have some sighted help around but obviosly want to do thins our self.

So any ideas would be greatly appreciated
thank you in advance
Jesper and Abigail

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