[blparent] wanting Ideas on how to feed our baby boy of 6 months.

Jody Ianuzzi thunderwalker321 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 15:36:22 UTC 2015

When my babies were little I would sit them on my lap sit with both of us facing forward.  That way I could feed them with my right hand and locate their chin with my left hand reaching around. I think that this close contact also helped with a bonding between us. When they got a little bigger they would sit in their highchair and practice using a spoon on dry food on their tray. At first they would pick up their food with one hand put it on the spoon and then put it in their mouths and would make a game out of it. 

My youngest baby will be 30 on Friday where did the time go?

thunderwalker321 at gmail.com

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."  DOCTOR WHO (Tom Baker)

> On Jun 23, 2015, at 2:16 AM, Jesper Holten via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Thank you so much for the inputs so far. I am sure I and my wife can
> use it. We have a plastic bib with the pocket already, and you are
> right it is the easiest for clean-up.
> Please if others have inputs on this please continue the thread.
> Yeah, we love the name Liam, he is really a Liam boy, full of mischief
> and generally very happy. Liam is becomming a popular name here in
> Denmark though it is a name that has not been used before a few years
> back. Obviously, in the US, the UK and Ireland and in France the name
> is fairly common.
> Take care
> Jesper and Abigail.
>> On 6/23/15, Danielle Ledet via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Oh and some mashed up beans and rice if yall eat that.
>>> On 6/22/15, Annely Rose via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Your baby has a beautiful name.
>>> Although my baby is now 29, I still remember what I did.  I, too, breast
>>> fed, but had to start solid foods such as cereal and fruit at 4 months.  I
>>> put everything in a bottle and used a cross cut nipple, but made the hole
>>> a
>>> little bigger so the thick substance would go through.  That's something
>>> you
>>> have to gage because you don't want your baby taking it too fast.  Now
>>> they
>>> want parents to introduce vegetables first instead of fruits so the baby
>>> gets used to the vegetable-tasting foods before the sweet fruits.  My kids
>>> wouldn't touch vegetables after they had been introduced to fruits first.
>>> This eliminated the issues with the spoon.  Babies have plenty of time for
>>> that.  For finger foods, you can try peas, carrots, plain Cheerios (a type
>>> of cereal that looks like tiny doughnuts but not as sweet), small pieces
>>> of
>>> banana, cooked plain elbow macaroni.  Introduce new foods one at a time
>>> for
>>> several days to be sure your child doesn't have an allergic
>>> reaction to it.  also, put only a few pieces out at a time.  Do not give
>>> your baby honey until he is at least 2.  Happy times and many blessings.
>>> Annely
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> On Mon, 6/22/15, Danielle Ledet via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Subject: Re: [blparent] wanting Ideas on how to feed our baby boy of
>>> 6    months.
>>> To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
>>> Cc: "Danielle Ledet" <singingmywayin at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Monday, June 22, 2015, 6:26 PM
>>> Hi,
>>> Whoa boy I remember those days. Let's see.
>>> I used to sit sideways to
>>> the table with
>>> baby in the crook of my arm. You will have to turn
>>> slightly a bit to scoop out of the bowl since
>>> it seems he's a mover
>>> and grabber. Guide
>>> with one hand the spoon, and use your other under
>>> his chin to guide the spoon in. You can hold a
>>> little arm down with
>>> the arm that is under
>>> his chin. This is also a time of
>>> experienmentation so I wouldn't worry about
>>> how much he's eating at a
>>> sitting just
>>> concentrate on feeding a few times per day and gradually
>>> introducing a variety of foods. You could offer
>>> a poon to play with
>>> when he's not eating
>>> or on the high  chair tray with juast asmall bit
>>> of food for him to explore. I also liked to
>>> give finger foods for them
>>> to pick up by
>>> themselves like the fruit from fruit cocktail, grapes
>>> cut in half, cut-up bananas (warning: they
>>> stain so make sure hes
>>> undressed or dressed
>>> in something you won't mind passing to the trash
>>> if need be. They're great frozen), teething
>>> biscuits and crackers,
>>> Cheerios, and frozen
>>> peas. I love those plastic bibs with the wide
>>> pockets on them too. They just rinse right off
>>> and air-dry.
>>> Baby-led
>>> weaning: they usually will nurse until and gradually delete
>>> a
>>> feeding hear and there. Usually, the day
>>> feedings slack off first.
>>> Danielle
>>> On 6/22/15, Tammy via blparent
>>> <blparent at nfbnet.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> If he wants a spoon maybe  try giving him
>>> his own to play with while you
>>>> feed him
>>> with another one.  Babies tend to move alot when you feed
>>> them with
>>>> spoons,
>>> so there's no avoiding a mess I'm sorry to say.
>>> But if you put your
>>>> hand under his chin you can kind of track
>>> where his mouth is and hopefully
>>>> catch
>>> whatever drops in yourr hand or in a bib.  Get those bibs
>>> that have
>>>> the catch trays or pockets in
>>> them, they'll save on mess a bit too.  I would
>>>> also start giving him
>>> finger foods like cut up soft fruit and vegetables to
>>>> try to feed himself
>>> since he seems to want to do that.  And, if he only eats
>>>> half a spoonful of
>>> whatever you feed him, don't worry about it.  At
>>> least
>>>> he's eating something, and
>>> babies don't really need solid food until 9
>>>> months or even later if you're still
>>> breastfeeding.
>>> hth
>>>> Tammy
>>>> -----Original
>>> Message-----
>>>> From: Jesper Holten via
>>> blparent
>>>> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015
>>> 4:40 PM
>>>> To: Blind Parents Mailing
>>> List
>>>> Cc: Jesper Holten
>>>> Subject: [blparent] wanting Ideas on how
>>> to feed our baby boy of 6 months.
>>>> Dear all.
>>>> We have
>>> been following this list for the past year but we have
>>> not
>>>> been writing more than a couple of
>>> times so abit of introduction is
>>> probably in order.
>>>> We are a blind
>>> couple living in Denmark and as mentioned we are both
>>>> totally blind.
>>>> In
>>> December my wife gave birth to Liam our very sweet baby boy.
>>> Up
>>>> till now he has been exclusively
>>> breastfed, but we are now starting to
>>> introduce solid food to him with abit of success but not
>>> without
>>>> struggles which we know is
>>> quite normal.
>>>> Still, we would like to
>>> hear ideas and inputs on how you have managed
>>>> the transition to solid food, spoonfeeding
>>> strategies as well as
>>>> inputs on baby
>>> let weaning if any of you have gone down that path?
>>>> I guess we are fairly pragmatic whatever
>>> works for us and Liam is what
>>>> we will
>>> do.
>>>> We have introduced him to rice
>>> porage  mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes
>>>> and mashed catrrots, as well as fruit
>>> porage and he seem to like it.
>>>> However,
>>> he really wants to be in charge of the spoon which would
>>> be
>>>> fine if only the content did not end
>>> up every where else but his
>>>> mouth. And
>>> he is easily distracted from eating more than a half
>>> spoon
>>>> at the time.
>>> We do have some sighted help around but obviosly want to do
>>> thins our self.
>>>> So
>>> any ideas would be greatly appreciated
>>> thank you in advance
>>>> Jesper and
>>> Abigail
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