[blparent] My Daughter

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue May 12 16:05:09 UTC 2015

Safety, privacy, and more!


At 06:33 AM 5/12/2015, you wrote:
>I would imagine you are thinking of the safety of Rob and his 
>daughter, as this is searchable by anyone, right?
>-----Original Message----- From: David Andrews via blparent
>Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 8:06 PM
>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>Cc: David Andrews
>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>I understand that you want advice and support, but are you sure you
>want to post all this personal stuff here.  There is a searchable
>archive, which is on the internet, so anyone can find it.
>At 07:59 PM 5/11/2015, you wrote:
>>FYI: I just found out why My x-wife won't let Brean come up here. 
>>she is afraid I won't bring her back. As much as I would like to do 
>>that, I would never do that. I told Breann to have a lawyer (if 
>>need be) write something up stating that I am to bring her back 
>>after a visit. I will sign the documentg if I need to.
>>Rob Kaiser
>>rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
>>-----Original Message----- From: Jessica Reed via blparent
>>Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 5:53 PM
>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>Cc: Jessica Reed
>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>Wow! I think you are incredibly cruel! He was reaching out to the 
>>list for help and advice.
>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>On May 11, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Star Gazer via blparent 
>>><blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>                You had the resources to move halfway across
>>>the country, find a fiance and be active in activities you care about.
>>>Realize that as a parent, you may and probably will find love after a
>>>divorce, but you can't just move all over the place and live wherever. If
>>>you're sick, you need to find a way to be sick while still caring for your
>>>family. That means talking with the teacher a lot, not "after a long time".
>>>It means interacting with your children so that you know what's going on
>>>with them. It means spending time with them. My point is that you've found
>>>plenty of resources for what you care about, your fiance and your church.
>>>You haven't cared enough about this child to call up a few family attourneys
>>>and talk with them. You didn't keep this child's best interests at heart
>>>with a custody agreement. Your ex didn't either which is too bad.
>>>There is way more going on here then blindness. You are just a self-centered
>>>human being who uses medical words so people will believe your sob story and
>>>who happens to be blind. You also speak of this child as an object. You
>>>didn't "inherit" her, that word choice is telling. Blindness isn't your only
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Rob Kaiser
>>>via blparent
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 3:53 PM
>>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>Cc: Rob Kaiser
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>oops: I went back to Chicago to get away from a care bad care giver. I came
>>>back after nine months to sing for a memorial service. My mom wanted me to
>>>come back right away, but it was a while before I had the leg surgery. AFter
>>>that, I decided to stay out here in Socal. Thank goodness I did, because the
>>>last 2 Winters have been BRUTAL.!!!!! They say your blood thins out when you
>>>are in warm weather for a long time. I belive believe it, because the Winter
>>>I was in Chicago, the Winter was relatively mild, and I couldn't take even
>>>that cold.
>>>Rob Kaiser
>>>rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Dianna via blparent
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 12:40 PM
>>>To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
>>>Cc: Dianna
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>He can ask the child questions without "grilling"  that is what caring
>>>parents do.  I did not know you left Chicago either.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tammy via
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 2:37 PM
>>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>Cc: Tammy
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>No offense meant here, but I don't think grilling your daughter is the way
>>>to go here.  You really need legal help.  If your daughter is in danger, you
>>>will be able to legally find that out and a legal agreement can be drawn up
>>>by the court.  You said you're her guardian?  Are you her biodad as well?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Rob Kaiser via blparent
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 3:20 PM
>>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>Cc: Rob Kaiser
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>Pat has custody, but in the divorce, Breann didn't come up because my
>>>Divorce attorney told me that I wasn't oblligated to pay Breann Child
>>>Support. Pat & I worked it out ourselves. When I came back from Chicago and
>>>decided to stay out here, and when I moved from Pat's house over to the
>>>Extended stay hotel, I started taking Breann on the weekends. this also
>>>allowed me to take her to church with me on Sundays so Breann could attend
>>>Sunday School. When Sarah got into the picture, everything changed. Last
>>>year, I was in Orange where Pat lived. Sarah & I wanted to take Breann out
>>>for icecfream. Pat said "no." At the same time, Pat & Breann were facing
>>>eviction. I offered to take Breann up with me and Sarah in case the eviction
>>>happened. that way, Breann would be in a safe place with a roof over her
>>>hhead and properly fed and clothed. Again, Pat said "No" to this. She will
>>>not tell me why she won't let me take Breann with me for a few days. I have
>>>assured her that I will bring Breann back to her mom. I said that because I
>>>thought Pat was thinking that I was going to keep Breann with me
>>>permanantly. That was the furthest thing on my mind. Now, I feel that I
>>>might need to get Breann out and away from her mom. There was an incident a
>>>year and a half ago when Pat (she is diabetic) and her sugar went very low.
>>>Breann told me that her mom could hardly speek. I qasked Breann if she knew
>>>about calling 911. She said she did, but she told me that her mom wouldn't
>>>let her call them. I told Breann that when her mom gets to that state, she
>>>needs immediate medical attention. I told Breann to call 911 first, and
>>>then, call me so that I could get there to make sure that Breann was going
>>>to be safe while her mom went to the hospital for attention. Pat (which
>>>complicates things even more) now has a full blown ulcer. She told me at
>>>Christmas, that she is barely eating anything. That could put her diabetes
>>>in more jepardy in my oppinion. I'm going to have to ask Breann some key
>>>questions so that I can get an idea what is really going on there.
>>>Again, tghanks for the suggestions.
>>>Rob Kaiser
>>>rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Jo Elizabeth Pinto via blparent
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 12:05 PM
>>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>Cc: Jo Elizabeth Pinto
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>Legal guardians is one thing, but visitation rights is another.  What does
>>>your custody agreement say about where Brianne lives, and who has her for
>>>what percentage of the time?
>>>Jo Elizabeth
>>>Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may
>>>kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at
>>>evening.--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Rob Kaiser via blparent
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 12:57 PM
>>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>Cc: Rob Kaiser
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>Thanks for the informatio. When I spoke to Breann the other day, she was
>>>really pushing for me to come and get her, but she keeps saying her mom
>>>won't let her come up here. I might be talking to Breann later today, and I
>>>will do what you suggested.
>>>Rob Kaiser
>>>rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Jo Elizabeth Pinto via blparent
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 10:37 AM
>>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>Cc: Jo Elizabeth Pinto
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>Michael is right.  We would need to know more about your custody agreement.
>>>Busting in there with the police is not usually a great way to go about
>>>things, if the police would even oblige you.  What you need to do is take
>>>your custody agreement to someone who deals in family law and go from there.
>>>Maybe you can find a legal practice that works on a sliding scale, if
>>>finances are a problem.  Have you spoken to Brianne about this, asked her if
>>>she has an unfair burden of household chores?  If not, talk to her, but
>>>don't put that idea in her head before she tells you about it.  Let her tell
>>>you how she feels, what she would want her summer to look like as far as a
>>>time split between you and her mom.
>>>Jo Elizabeth
>>>Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may
>>>kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at
>>>evening.--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Michael Baldwin via blparent
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:52 AM
>>>To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
>>>Cc: Michael Baldwin
>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>What legal rights for Brianne does your X have? If you and her both have
>>>legal custody of Brianne, with no set rules about who gets her when, I doubt
>>>the police would do anything.
>>>If you have sole custody of your daughter, then I think you're a fool for
>>>letting her down there, away from you.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Rob Kaiser
>>>via blparent
>>>Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 9:24 PM
>>>To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>Cc: Rob Kaiser
>>>Subject: [blparent] My Daughter
>>>Hello all:
>>>This email may be quite long, and I appologize for this:
>>>As many of you know, I have a guardian daughter, Breann. At this time, she
>>>is staying with her mom in Orange. I am currently living in Moreno Valley,
>>>CA. Over a week ago, I spoke with Breann's teacher for the first time ina
>>>long time. I was told that her grades are really slipping from As & Bs to Cs
>>>and Ds. There has also been behavioral problems with Breann. I told my
>>>X-wife that I would like to bring Breann up to Moreno Valley on a weeken.
>>>for some reason My X-wife Pat, doesn't want to let me do that. She told me
>>>that if I want to see Breann, I can come down to her house in Orange.
>>>Because of the poor atransportation (public, pera and Metro link) on the
>>>week ends, and that would be the best time for me to spend quality time with
>>>Breann, it is next to impossible for me to get down there on the weekends
>>>unless my fiance, Sarah is available to drive me down there. I have every
>>>right to have Breann. I am still her legal Guardian. I am tempted to give
>>>Pat an altimadum, and tell her that I can come down on a Friday and get her
>>>and bring her up here until Sunday evening or very early Monday morning on
>>>the train. If she won't comply, I am thinking about comeing down there with
>>>the police and a coppy of the guardian ship papers. I don't want to get the
>>>police involed, but I might not have a choice in this. Has anyone else had a
>>>situation like this?
>>>I also feel that Pat (with her poor health) and with my step son, Jesse who
>>>use to do everything for Pat (get Pats' meds, clean the house go to the
>>>grocery store ETC.) Now, I have a feeling that Breann (who just turned 11)
>>>is now going to have to do all of these things. Breann (as I just wrote) is
>>>only 11 years old. I'm afraid that she (like Jesse) will not have a normal
>>>child hood. I really want to get Breann out of there amicably, but I don't
>>>think that will happen. I really could use some sugestions on this matter.
>>>Thankss to anyone who can help me on this.

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org

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