[blparent] Most accessible baby monitors (and thermometer)

Corbb O'Connor corbb at rushpost.com
Wed Oct 28 03:36:40 UTC 2015

We bought a talking ear thermometer from Target, but it hasn’t been very effective on our little one. It always says he’s 98.6 degrees, and that’s just not right! We’ll be eager to hear if anyone has some suggestions on that front.

As for baby monitors, call us old school, but the Graco iMonitor. (It has nothing to do with an iPhone.) With an MSRP of $54.99, it does everything we could ever want (except find a lost and powered off parent unit!). You can set a threshold volume, above which the unit will vibrate, which is very helpful since we have a white noise machine in his room; the battery lasts a good 8-10 hours; and the sound is crystal clear (with several channels to spare if you happen upon interference). We didn’t investigate the video monitors at all, but we’re never more than a room or two away from the baby, and we can hear him move around on the monitor just fine. Low tech means low risk of inaccessibility!

> On Oct 27, 2015, at 11:28 PM, Allison via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> We posted the thermometer question a couple months back and didn't get much
> in the way of replies. Someone suggested an Amazon one that looked good, but
> then others said it wouldn't be accurate for new borns. 
> I looked at Babies"R"Us and saw a few thermometers that work through iOS
> apps, which in theory could be more accessible, but that may or may not be
> the case because not all apps work with Voiceover. Has anyone on this list
> tried any of the thermometers that work with iOS? We thought about trying
> one, but would hate to buy an expensive thermometer with an inaccessible
> app. We may try anyway and hope we can return it, but I was hoping someone
> on here already tried one out?
> Thanks,
> Allison
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Steve
> Repsher via blparent
> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 5:50 AM
> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Steve Repsher <steverep at gmail.com>
> Subject: [blparent] Most accessible baby monitors (and thermometer)
> Hi all,
> My wife and I are expecting our first child in a couple months, and being
> the computer nerd and engineer of the two of us along with being visually
> impaired, I took on the task of finding a baby monitor that would be
> accessible to me without taking away any "sight" features from her (e.g.
> video is a requirement).  Instead of going with a typical baby monitor with
> a single receiver, I'm planning to go the more techie route and buy an
> IP/security camera, connect it to my home network, and use our phones and
> tablet as receivers.  There is plenty of info on the web about this more DIY
> approach, but nothing about the accessibility of the smartphone/tablet apps
> that would be used to control everything.
> So, without me wasting time and energy on going through testing all of them,
> I thought I'd ask the members of this list for suggestions on what worked
> for them and what didn't with this approach.  All comments are welcome!
> And while I'm on the subject of accessible baby products, what's the
> consensus on the best talking baby thermometer? (I know, the choices aren't
> exactly abundant).
> Thanks for your time!
> Steve
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