[blparent] for alison.

Wendy Meuse w_meuse at telus.net
Fri Feb 5 20:59:44 UTC 2016

Hi Alison and Daryl:  I wondered how you and your beautiful baby girl are doing?  Have you managed to sort out those problems you 
were having with her latching on?  I hope that you have found a solution you are comfortable with.  I loved nursing, but to make a 
long story short, when Grace was six months old, Mark and I were having some very serious problems in which he got violent with me 
and he was imprisoned for a while.  My milk dried up and I had to go to formula.  She did just fine with that but I sure did miss 
nursing her.  I smile though when I look back at so many wonderful experiences with her.  Even though the marriage went bad, I will 
never regret having my sweet baby girl.
today is a brand new day with no mistakes in it.  let go of the past and move forward. 

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