[blparent] Tooth Brushing and To Allison

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 21:56:09 UTC 2016

This comes from the perspective of myself as a blind parent--but also
as a toally blind former child: I never really got the feel for the
round-and-round motion you're supposed to do when brushing teeth.
Maybe I should have controlled my toothbrush by placing my hand
farther in and guiding from the back of the brush; but even still,
when using a simple toothbrush, I find myself doing more
back-and-forth and not the recommended circular motion.  When I was in
my early thirties, a very blunt but concerned dentist told me that
whatever I was doing--even though I brushed at least twice daily most
of the time--clearly wasn't working, and that my teeth one day would
be in jeopardy.  Since then I have used a sonic toothbrush,
recommended for many adults regardless of eyesight issues, and have
had consistently excellent dental checkups since then, since it is
responsible for most of the motion.


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