[blparent] An introduction and questions

Amber Herrin herrin.amber at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 11:14:13 UTC 2017

Good morning,

I'm Amber. 29. From Texas. And they tell me I'm gonna be a mom.

I've known about the NFB for all of my adult life, at least, and
probably a little before that even, but my involvement has mostly been
centered around whether or not I could attend convention each year. If
I had the money and opportunity to go to convention, I have gone, but
it has been difficult, so I haven't been every year. I am on several
lists but notice that I almost never post on any of them. I'm trying
to make it different here, because although I'm excited about becoming
a parent, I'm also very nervous about a lot of things. Through this
group, I hope to connect with those of you who have done it all before
me and have excellent advice about things I should try, as well as
things I should probably avoid.

Thank each and every one of you in advance, and I look forward to
getting to know each of you personally.


Amber H

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