[blparent] Conference Call for Future Blind Parents

Stacy Cervenka slcervenka at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 13:17:18 UTC 2018

Attention future blind parents and blind people interested in one day becoming parents!

The NFB Blind Parents Group is hosting a conference call on Monday, September 10 at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 Central, 7:00 Mountain, and 6:00 Pacific. The topic will be preparing for parenthood as a person who is blind. This call is open to blind people who are interested in one day becoming parents and blind people who are currently expecting their first child or pursuing adoption or foster care. Discussion will be led by three blind parents. Greg DeWall is a totally blind father of two young children; he currently works as the Training Center Supervisor at the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Nicole D Fincham-Shehan is a blind mother of two children, who has a wealth of community service and community organizing experience and is currently the NFB of Florida Blind Parents Initiative Coordinator. Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni is the blind mom of two children who works as a genetic counselor for a county hospital in San Jose, California. Call participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about how best to prepare for parenthood. Discussion leaders will answer questions and share experiences regarding techniques blind parents use, challenges blind parents face, and resources available to blind parents and their families. 

Other than the three discussion leaders, this call will be limited to ten participants. You can sign up by emailing me directly at stacy.cervenka at gmail.com with “Blind Parents Call” as the subject line. Please let me know whether you are considering parenthood, expecting a child, or pursuing adoption or foster care. Please also indicate whether you are currently an NFB member. Note that this call is open to blind parents, regardless of organizational affiliation, but if spots fill up, NFB members will have priority. 

Thank you!
Stacy Cervenka
NFB Blind Parents Group Chair

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