[blparent] Glucose monitoring

Kubehl Family nephisvision at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 17:37:25 UTC 2018

Hey, I pray you guys get pregnant. I'm type ii diabetic and I use the relion touch meter. I use my toes to get my sugar. My insurance wouldn't cover the sensors you're talking about, I'm in WI.  If she needs someone to chat to, Email me privately and I'll share my phone number.

Rhonda Kubehl

> On Aug 29, 2018, at 10:42 AM, Edward Green via BlParent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I'm a type 1 diabetic, and have just started to use a censor of the type you describe to monitor my sugar.
> The censor lasts a couple of weeks, and is applied to the top of the arm by a spring-loaded applicator which comes with each censor.
> There are accessible apps for iOS and Android assuming your phone supports Near Field Communication (if it supports Apple Pay or Android pay then it does).  You pass your phone over the censor each time you want to take a reading, and the result is voiced by Voiceover or Talkback.
> With my system there is also a standalone reader which you can use in lieu of the phone, but this isn't accessible.
> I have been able to apply the censor, take readings with the phone and remove/change the censor entirely independently.
> The system I'm using is called the Freestyle Libre.  I should say though that I'm in the UK and not the US, so don't know what stance your health insurance providers take to it.
> There are other Continuous Glucose Monitoring systems which work in the same way such as Dexcom G5 and G6, which I know blind people in the States have used successfully.
> As well as the diabetes division, the NFB has a mailing list like this one called Diabetes Talk.
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Ed 
>> On 29 Aug 2018, at 13:16, Stacie Hardy - NFBHOU via BlParent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hello Daniel,
>> First, congratulations to you and your wife. I hope things go well for you both, and you find yourselves soon expecting to become parents. Have you reached out to the Diabetes Action Network; another division within the NFB? They might be a good place to help get your questions answered. Wishing you all the best. Warm regards.
>> Stacie Hardy <shardy at nfbtx.org>
>> President: NFB of Texas Houston Chapter
>> Voice and Text: (346) 704-0190 or (832) 779-7477
>> "A question never asked is an answer never known"
>> "Live the life you want!"
>>> On 8/29/2018 7:07 AM, daniel aronoff via BlParent wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, I have been a member of this list for sometime now, and
>>> all your posts have been very useful.
>>> My wife and I are trying to get pregnant and she has to start monitoring
>>> her shugar levels.
>>> We bought the protegee voice glucose meter but the Dr. says now that she
>>> has to prickle her finger 7 times a day. We heared about the continuous
>>> monitoring sensors that is the new technology.
>>> Do any of you know if any of those sensors are accessible for toataly
>>> blind users?
>>> Or do you know if there is someone in the NFB we could talk to about this?
>>> Thank you very much
>>> Daniel
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