[blParent] Braille Transcribers and Audio Book Readers

Melissa Ann Riccobono melissaariccobono at gmail.com
Mon May 11 18:18:10 UTC 2020

Hello everyone,

My friend, Cheryl Orgas, is the director of ABLE in Milwaukee, WI. ABLE
stands for Audio Braille Literacy Enhancement. ABLE is still open and still
able to transcribe materials into braille or read materials as audio books.
In general, the cost for transcription is whatever the cost would be to
purchase the print book. I'm not sure about the cost for creating audio
materials. Rates may be higher for certain projects, but Cheryl is blind
herself, and I am sure she will be happy to work with individuals as much as
possible in order to get you materials you may need for a reasonable price.

So, if you're looking for somewhere to get books brailled, or to purchase
other materials to help during distance learning, please contact Cheryl to
see if ABLE can help.

Her email address is

corgas at ablenow.org <mailto:corgas at ablenow.org> 


I hope this helps!



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