[Cabs] Report From Conference Call

Nimer Jaber nimerjaber1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 21:16:50 UTC 2009


I've read over the constitution, and still find this to be 
unsatisfactory. I understand the roles of each elected position. I 
understand that Abel was elected fairly. What I don't understand is 
this: Is there any test that one must take to be able to, for instance, 
handle the CABS fund? Is there anything someone must do to become 
secretary? If not, then yes, something like a month's application ought 
to be submitted to the board. This application ought to include some 
basic questions. What is 1+2? How do you spell committee? That type of 
thing. This ensures that those who are elected are fully competent and 
able to complete the job that they have been assigned or elected to do. 
Again, I am not asking for a recall of elections. I am not wishing to 
dispute the results of this year's elections. I am simply asking whether 
or not there are any sorts of tests that one must take to ensure that 
he/she is competent enough to complete their duties as officer on the 
CABS board. If they are not in place, I am suggesting that they should 
be put in place, and I am willing to draft a proposal and submit it to 
whoever for discussion and adoption by the board, or whoever needs to 
adopt it.

Nimer J

Nimer M. Jaber

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(720) (251-4530)

Marty Rahn wrote:
> Hi all,
> Nimer, Thank you for bringing up these concerns.  I did receive the 
> message which you sent, and would like to address the question which 
> you pose about the requirements that one must fulfil in order to serve 
> on the board. According to Article V, of the Constitution of our 
> devision, entitled, "officers and Their Duties," it states the following:
> "Section One: Officers
> There shall be elected at the regular annual business meeting a 
> President Vice President Second Vice President a Secretary and a 
> Treasurer The terms of their offices shall begin at the close of the 
> annual business meeting at which they are elected and qualified 
> Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of all members present 
> and voting There shall be no proxy voting if no nominee receives a 
> majority vote on the first ballot the name of the person receiving the 
> least votes will be removed from the list of nominees and a second 
> ballot recorded This procedure shall continue until one candidate 
> receives a simple majority of the votes The holders of the offices of 
> President, Vice President, and Second Vice President must be students 
> who are blind and planning to attend an educational program in the 
> academic year following the election  All other officers may be blind 
> or sighted students and must be planning to attend an educational 
> program in the academic year following the election
> Section Two: Duties
> The duties of each officer shall be those ordinarily associated with 
> that office."
> I have also atached the Constitution in its Entirety to this message 
> should anyone else care to take a look at the document that governs 
> our devision. In short, Abel was fairly elected by the paying 
> membership of this devision to the position of Secretary, and there is 
> nothing in our Constitution which allows me to replace him or any 
> other officer who has been elected by those who have paid their dues.  
> I have read through our Constitution twice now, and this is one of 
> sevral reasons why I have not yet answered the message you sent me 
> inquiring about the position of Secretary.
> In your reply to one of Melissa's messages, you state that you believe 
> there needs to be safeguards in place to ensure that everyone elected 
> to the CABS board meets the requirements set forth in the 
> Constitution.  Have you given any thought to what these safeguards 
> might entail?  Should we ask for some type of varification about a 
> candidates visual impairment and their school status to be submitted 
> to the board before we proceed with elections? Should this information 
> be sent idealy a month or so ahead of time so that elections can take 
> place unimpeeded?  The long and short of this uniquely human problem 
> is that there are numerous people, including myself, who have 
> responsibilities,priorities, and lives outside of their duties to the 
> devision.  No one person can be everywhere at once, nore is it my 
> responsibility to personally handhold and babysit everyone to make 
> sure that everything gets done.  We are all adults, and should at 
> least be able to prioritize our responsibilities on their level of 
> importants.  With that said, we all have different views about the 
> level of importance assigned to each task in our lives.  Just like 
> with committees established by the state Board of Directors, 
> committees must meet and commence with their tasks at a time that is 
> mutually benificial for all members.  This means that committee chairs 
> must take responsibility to answer emails or phone calls from 
> members.  While I realize that the information about committee 
> appointments was apparently not received by everyone, it has now been 
> sent out, and there should be no question about whom one is to contact 
> in order to serve on a committee, or to ask a question.
> We can not go back and undo what has already been done, but we can 
> move forward and try to make things better.  Ideally, every 
> organization strives for transparency, and CABS should be no 
> different.  However, in order to achieve this, we must all work 
> together.  I can not address problems until I am made aware of them, 
> so let's keep diologuing in hopes of reaching a satisfactory level of 
> transparency.
> Sincerely,
> Marty Rahn,
> president, Colorado Association of Blind Students
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nimer Jaber" <nimerjaber1 at gmail.com>
> To: "Colorado Association of Blind Students List" <cabs at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [Cabs] Report From Conference Call
>>  Hello,
>> No doubt many would disagree with my opinion, and some may believe 
>> that I am being too harsh. However, if a secretary can't form notes 
>> that are spelled correctly, have proper grammar, and takes half of 
>> the conference call to discuss notes which are still messed up, then 
>> I don't put much faith in the secretary elected to represent the 
>> Colorado Students. Are there no requirements other than being a 
>> student to fulfill the role of secretary, or any position for that 
>> matter? I should hope that my treasurer can count and keep track of 
>> funds, my secretary  can take notes that, while brief, are 
>> understandable, and my president can return emails when I send them 
>> out. So far, I have emailed a request to the president regarding the 
>> requirements for board positions. I want to know what is required to 
>> be a secretary or a treasurer of CABS. Also, if there was any effort 
>> whatsoever put into the website, this process would be transparent 
>> and no questions would need to be asked. Now, maybe some will see 
>> this email as some guy writing an email to ramble about things, 
>> however, I wave offered to work on the site, I have offered to help 
>> out with many other things, in fact. Many of these such things keep 
>> on getting delayed. For example, while I brought issues about the 
>> website up two months ago, I was told at the last meeting that a 
>> meeting of the tech committee wouldn't take place until next month. I 
>> was also told over a week ago at the last conference call that a list 
>> of committee members (a full list) would be sent out to this list, 
>> and unless something is going on with my email, I have not received 
>> such a list.
>> My hope with taking up bandwidth in posting this message is to see 
>> change, and I hope that our leadership will rise up and answer the 
>> call with transparency. If guidelines are not set, I hope they _will 
>> _be set. Abel, this message was in no way intended to hurt your 
>> feelings, and I am sure that there are many other positions that you 
>> would be better suited to on the CABS board. However, the secretary 
>> ought to be able to speak clearly, read and write minutes, and post 
>> them to a forum such as this list in a timely manner hopefully to be 
>> determined by CABS. I know we are all busy, but this shouldn't be an 
>> excuse for a lack of transparency. Also, if anyone got their feelings 
>> hurt and wishes to discuss it with me, please email me privately at 
>> nimerjaber1 at gmail.com and I will do my best to alleviate your concerns.
>> Thank you for your time in reading this message, and I look forward 
>> to any responses.
>> Nimer J
>> Nimer M. Jaber
>> The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity 
>> to which it
>> is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. 
>> Any review,
>> retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any 
>> action in reliance
>> upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended 
>> recipient is
>> prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender 
>> via reply e-mail, and delete the
>> material from any computer.
>> Phone:
>> (720) (251-4530)
>> Abel Ayalew wrote:
>>> December 6, 2009was our first Conference call After the convention. The
>>> meeting started at 6.45 P.M. Marty, Mellisa, Maurice, Nimer, Esha, 
>>> Becky,
>>> Arille, and Abel were present at the meeting. Treasury report $430.87
>>> balance of available. People are assigned committee. Every one 
>>> selling candy
>>> in there campus. The next Conference Call will be in January 17, 
>>> 2010 at 7
>>> P.M. January 21, 2010 will be a trip to the Colorado school for the 
>>> blind to
>>> talk to the student. The meeting adjourn at 8 P.M.
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