[Cabs] Thursday

annajee82 at gmail.com annajee82 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 23:29:32 UTC 2016

Hey everybody.
This is just a reminder email that this Thursday (Jan 16) is the NFB's day at the Capitol.  
Below is the email I sent out last week, in case you didn't get it. 
See you there!

I am forwarding the email about the day at the capitol.
And below that is a little extra info from Lisa on how the day goes.  I encourage everyone to attend.  Even if you don't feel comfortable with legislative matters or are not thinking you can be of any help, just being present gives the NFB a bigger voice to accomplish things.  
I am happy to answer any questions or I'm sure Lisa is as well.  I will be there, and hope lots of you will be there as well.

Anna E Givens
annajee82 at gmail.com

> Happy New Year!
> This is a reminder that we will be conducting our state day at the capitol on Thursday, January 14. We will begin at 8am with a briefing and should have all appointments concluded by around noon.  We Will be meeting in the Old Supreme Court Chambers which is located on the second floor of the capitol.
> We will be concentrating on three issues.  First we will once again seek funding for NFB Newsline in Colorado.  Second, we will support a bill that came out of the Interim Study Committee which expands the Business Enterprise Program for blind vendors in our state.  Third and also from the Interim Study Committee, we will support a bill that would introduce tax credits to employers who hire blind individuals or who purchase assistive technology or other accommodations for blind employees.
> We encourage you to contact your senators and representatives to set up an appointment ahead of time.  If you need help, identifying your elected officials, please contact my office.  I look forward to seeing everyone on the 14th.
> Sincerely,
> Scott LaBarre
> 303-504-5979
> slabarre at labarrelaw.com<mailto:slabarre at labarrelaw.com>
> ______________________________

We meet at 8:00am at the Old Supreme Court chambers at the state capitol.  We will have some legislative issues that we bring to the capitol each year around this time and Scott will take a few minutes to read thru the issues and field any questions.  At some point, our group usually files into one of the chambers and gets to be introduced on the floor to our legislators before they go into session.  We go back to the chambers and Scott divides the group into 6-8 teams if he hasn't done so already and sends them off with office numbered cards with legislator's names on them, as well as folders of materials to bring to each office.  The groups go to each legislator's office with hopes of actually chatting with one, but often times we meet briefly with a staffer and leave a folder for the legislator.  It's very important to make note of which legislator's office may have particular interest in any of our issues or may be willing to provide their support down the road.  Once all packets are distributed, the teams return to the chambers and the team leaders give a report to me as to how our issues were received at the various offices.  We usually wrap up our day between noon and 12:30pm. 

I think it's so important to have as many NFB members present as possible and be aware of the matters that are of concern to us each year.  It gives us all a chance to be a strong presence at our state capitol.  Our voice is what brought about the Vocational Rehabilitation Services for the Blind Interim Study Committee Meetings this past fall and convinced them to draft some legislation.  


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