[Capchapohio] FW: Two OSSB graduates severely injured after accident Friday

Sammons, Elizabeth Elizabeth.Sammons at rsc.ohio.gov
Mon Jan 23 12:46:43 UTC 2012


I don't know if you know these former OSSB students, but I needed to share some sad news from the OSSB alumni president and ask that you keep these young men in your thoughts. I confirmed with the OSSB principal this morning. 


Mike Newell and Cody McFarland were in a very serious car accident on Friday night sometime around 6:30 in the evening.  They are both bioptic drivers which means that they have limited vision and can drive with special glasses that help them to see signs during the day.  Mike suffered a broken arm, 2 broken legs, and a fractured face according to the report found by Gerry Marcom principal at the school for the blind.  He will be all right.  Cody is in critical condition, and they are thinking he may not make it.  He had been in Marion hospital, and was life flighted to Grant Sunday; he is in ICU at present.	.  

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