[CapChapOhio] March 11th Minutes

Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 03:36:20 UTC 2021

Meeting Date: March 11th, 2021

Start time: 5:02 p.m.

End time: 6:26 p.m.

Attendees: Annette, Misty, Jordy, Maggie, and guest speaker Tim Red.

Treasurer Report:

-        Postponed due to a death in Shelly’s family


Minutes posted by Maggie on the list serve

-        - No questions or additional comments on the Minutes

Motion to approve the Minutes by Jordy.

Maggie second the motion to approve the Minutes.

Minutes passed by all.

Guest Speaker: Tim Red from the Cleveland library

Highlights include:

-        Spoke about the library and the services they provide.

-        brain storming ideas on how to engage others through virtual

-        discussion on volunteers and narration by braille readers.

-        Spoke about the library transitioning to a new location and the
future of braille books and digital books.

-        Request for Tim to return when we can provide a larger audience.

New Business: Membership

open discussion:

-        How to recruit new members and how to involve newly blind people
in our local chapter.

-        A beginning discussion on creating a welcome packet for those
potentially interested in the capital chapter.

Old Business: Legislative Guest Speaker

Open discussion:

Everyone agrees on waiting until we have a Columbus seminar date prior to
inviting a legislative speaker to come speak at our chapter meeting.

News & Updates:

-        Reminder about the leadership training on March 27th at one

-        reminders to submit recipes for the Ohio affiliate cookbook

-        reminders to fill out the survey monkey for diversity and
Inclusion by Monday the 15th.

-        Confirmation that the national convention to be held virtually and
the state convention to be held in person.

-        Posting chapter meeting reminders, a week or two prior to the
chapter meeting.

Meeting closed.

Maggie Stringer
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."
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