[Cccnfbw] Rally in Front of Senator Merkeley's Office in Portland on Monday

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Fri Jul 15 18:03:54 UTC 2011


Art Stevenson, President of the NFB of Oregon, called to say that the NFBO will conduct a rally on Monday afternoon at one o'clock at Senator Jeff Merkeley's downtown Portland office to bring home to him and to the public the desirability of his opposing Section 511 of the Workforce Investment Act reauthorization which would legitimize in the Rehab Act payment of subminimum wages to blind and other disabled workers. Sen. Merkeley is on the HELP Committee. The hearing and mark-up on the WIA reauthorization has been postponed to early August.

Art wanted to give us a heads-up in case any of you wish to participate.

more details as I get them.


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