[Cccnfbw] Joining the NFB team for the diabetes walk

robert sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Thu Jul 21 02:54:07 UTC 2011




Here are the instructions for  navigating the  screen for signing up for
joining the NFB team for the Diabetes walk.

Julie Goldbeck put this together. Much appreciated, Julie.


The link:



On left side of screen click on REGISTER

In the body of the screen there is a heading that says Where We Walk with a
descriptive paragraph under it.


The next heading says Search by ZIP with a 2 sentence explanation.  Under
that it says ZIP/Postal Code: with a box next to it.  Put the zip 98604 in
the box click the box directly under the words ZIP/postal code that says


Two results will appear click on the first one that says Step Out - Clark
County it's under the words Event name Under the Words Step-Out Clark County
click on the second box that says Join a Team


Scroll down to Team name in the box beside this type NFB next to this click
on Search for a Team.


Scroll down to Search Results find team name under that it will say NFB
Robert Sellers Club/Organizational Team   Join  (this is all in a row) click
on Join if you want to join the NFB team.


Once you open this up there is several questions that need to be filled out.

It may be beneficial if someone who is quite good at filling out forms on
the internet to volunteer to assist  those who are not as adept.


Once you are signed up, then you can contact your friends to go to the web
site and donate on your behalf.


We can walk for 1, 3, 5 or 10 miles. I believe I selected  3 miles. 

I hoping we can all wear NFB shirts or somehow carry our NFB Banner.

The  donation process uses the same web site.


If you have any questions, reply to this or call me at:

Hm: 360.896.5249 or 

Cell: 360.798.6498



Bob Sellers


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