[Cinci-nfb] NFB Minutes for January

Deanna Lewis deannakay03 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 12:50:36 UTC 2015

Meeting minutes for January 24th, 2015

1. The January 24th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind was called to order by President, Deborah
Kendrick at 1:10 PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The following
were present: Deborah Kendrick, Walter Mitchell, Deanna Lewis, Kim
McEachirn, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Lisa Hall, Chris
Sabine, Chris Tolle, Bernie Dressell, Paul Dressell, Paul Jordan, Elif
Emir, Dale Barta, Kate Radkey, Judy Rudig, Sheri Albers, and Jessie
2. The meeting began with the Mini-Blind. Each member shared a few of
their New Year's resolutions.
3. Deborah spoke briefly about the new time and date. Drink orders
were placed before the meeting started, and lunch orders would be
taken at 2:30.
4. Bernie Dressell moved that the November meeting minutes be
approved, as emailed. Emily Pennington seconded. The motion passed and
the minutes were approved.
5. Our Treasurer, Emily Pennington reported the following balances:
Seniors: $40.68
Checking: $ 2,747.47
Income: $168.00

A.   $6.00 for members not being clad with NFB insignia

B.   $17.00 for the auction items

C.   $45.00 for the annual dues collected

D.  $100.00 deposit from Paul and Bernie Dressell for their City Access books.
Expenses: $761.00

A.   $261.00 for the Christmas Party meals

B.   $500 to the NFB of Ohio to help with Washington Seminar
Deanna Lewis made a motion that the Treasurer's report be approved,
and Dale Barta seconded; the motion passed.
6. Deborah gave a quick update about the Free Currency Readers. If you
have not yet applied to get one, please call or email Deborah for more
information. You can no longer apply through NLS, you must now apply
through the Bureau of Printing and Engraving.
The NLS is also releasing the Bard App in Beta for Androids next week.
7. Washington Seminar: We have three people from our Chapter heading
to Washington Seminar; Deborah Kendrick, Sheri Albers, and Walter
Mitchell. They will be leaving on Sunday, January 25th and returning
on Wednesday, January 28th. The Board of the Cincinnati Chapter voted
on giving the NFB of Ohio $500 to help these people participate in
Washington Seminar.
There are two major issues to work on this year at Washington Seminar
H.R. 188: Transitioning to Integrated and Meaningful Employment (TIME)
Act. This Act is working on the same goals as the Fair Wages Act from
last year.
TEACH Act. Deborah mentioned that they are looking for students to
tell their personal stories about the difficulties in accessing
information. Sheri has recently experienced a great deal of trouble
with Blackboard and PDF Files.  She will be working with Disability
Services at UC soon.
8. Committee Reports:
A. In Karren Innes' absence, Kim McEachirn reported on the recreation
committee and the Christmas Party. The party was held at Arnold's Bar
and Grill at 210 East Eighth Street. The party began at 6:00 and we
sat in the courtyard area. We had a good turnout and the food and
service were great. Jim Tudor provided the holiday music.
The chapter only had to pay for the meals of the people in attendance.
Arnold's did not charge us for the meals ordered for those who were
not able to make it.
B. Deanna Lewis did not currently have anything to report on the
Membership Committee.
C. Sheri Albers gave a report from the Fundraising Committee. At the
Christmas Party members were given City Access coupon books. We made
$10 for every book we sold. We sold 106 books for a total profit of
$1,060; not including 5 extra books still needing to be sold.
Chris Sabine had a friend out of state who donated money to our organization.
The committee is planning two summer activities, the Braille-a-thon
and also a Variety Show with music and entertainment. We plan on doing
a Radio Show (like at State Convention) with Fibber McGee and Molly.
We are looking for members to show off their talents. More information
will be coming soon.
Paul and Bernie Dressell are hosting a fundraising Game Night at their
house on a weekend in May. Time and date will be announced soon.
They will also be working on selling Braille word puzzle books.
9. Braille Monitor Article: It's back! One of our members will give a
brief description about a recent Braille Monitor article that they
have read. This month, Lillie Pennington talked about an article in
the January Monitor. The article is titled, "Attitudes and
Expectations in Education" by Julie McGinnity. Julie talks about the
TEACH Act and also about the double standard of how people believe
that the blind are very amazing, but they throw us so many obstacles
in the way of our success.
Next month, Chris Sabine will be talking about a Braille Monitor article.
There was a brief discussion of Newsline, and there are a few members
who do not know what it is and are not signed up. Deborah will do a
brief demonstration about Newsline at our next meeting.
10. Walter made an announcement about a recent Dine to Donate Event at
the I HOP in Milford. The event took place on Thursday, Jan 15th. I
HOP donated a portion of the meal cost to the NFB of Ohio's Drive for
75 Campaign. They are hoping to work with different I HOP's around the
city and do it again.
11. The members spoke briefly about how the meeting was going, since
it was a new date and time. Elif mentioned that things were quieter
than usual and not disruptive.
Drink orders were placed once everyone was seated, and meal orders
were taken around 2:30. Our February meeting will be planned in the
same way.
12. Auctions: Kim McEachirn and Deanna Lewis brought in the following
items for the auction.
A. A dozen turtle cookies baked by Deanna. They were won by Emily
Pennington with a bid of $10.00.
B. A 16 GB flash drive from Kim, won by, Lisa Hall with a bid of $15.00.

13. The meeting was adjourned at 2:57 PM, with the next meeting
scheduled on Saturday, February 28th at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Deanna Lewis, Secretary

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