[Cinci-nfb] April NFB minutes

rachelrkuntz at gmail.com rachelrkuntz at gmail.com
Wed May 13 01:59:49 UTC 2015

Nice job!

Rachel Kuntz
Sent from my iPad

> On May 12, 2015, at 8:59 AM, Deanna Lewis via Cinci-nfb <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Meeting minutes for April 25th, 2015
> 1.     The April 25th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the
> National Federation of the Blind was called to order by President,
> Deborah Kendrick at 1:12 PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The
> following were present: Deborah Kendrick, Walter Mitchell, Deanna
> Lewis, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Kim McEachirn, Sheri
> Albers, Jessie McDaniel, Bill Innis, Karren Innis, Paul Dressell,
> Bernie Dressell, Joy Thomas, Jim Tudor, David Perry, Chris Sabine,
> Elif Emir, and Rachel Kuntz. We also have two new members; David Carr
> and Annie McEachirn Carson.
> 2.     The meeting started with our introductions and Mini-Blind,
> where members shared how and when they filed their taxes this year.
> Turbo tax and Tax Act are two fairly accessible sites.
> 3.     Deborah emailed the new NFB slogan, and we all read it aloud.
> Here it is for future reference:
> The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
> characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
> expectations of blind people, because low expectations create
> obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life
> you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
> 4.     Deborah updated the Chapter about our member Bob Marquardt, who
> has been having several health issues for the last few months. Bob is
> currently in hospice at Heritage Springs. His health is declining and
> he is in kidney failure.
> David Perry gave a brief update on his wife Jacquie. She has suffered
> several strokes and a few seizures, due to Moya Moya disease. She is
> on the road to recovery, but still has a long way to go. We all had a
> moment of silence for our dear friends.
> 5.     Lillie Pennington took the minutes from the March meeting, and
> she read them to the Chapter. Deanna Lewis moved that the March
> meeting minutes be approved as read. Emily Pennington seconded; the
> motion passed.
> 6.     Treasurer's Report:  Emily reported the following balances.
> Seniors: $40.68
> Checking: $3,088.61
> Income: $135.00
> A.    $105 from City Access book sales
> B.     $23 for the auction items
> C.     $7 for members not being clad with NFB insignia
> There were no expenses this month.
> Paul Dressell made a motion that the Treasurer's report be approved,
> and Bernie Dressell seconded; the motion passed.
> 7.     Braille Monitor Article: Deborah Kendrick mentioned the many
> ways that you can read the Braille Monitor. You can have it emailed to
> you, use Newsline, view it on the website, or with the iPhone app. You
> can also request a Braille or large print copy, or a thumb drive that
> you return after reading it.
> The article Deborah covered was titled, "The Deaf-blind Dilemma," by
> Kathy Guillory Miller. The article focused on the culture of the
> deaf-blind, which Deborah found very interesting since she has been
> teaching technology to deaf-blind students. It also mentioned the
> deaf-blind division of the NFB.
> Another article that stood out for her, was one regarding Microsoft
> accessibility.
> Deborah also mentioned that there is an NFB publication "Future
> Reflections" a magazine for parents and teachers of blind children.
> Deanna Lewis volunteered to cover a Braille Monitor article in May.
> 8.     Jernigan Fund tickets: It's that time again for our Chapter to
> sell Jernigan tickets. Each ticket costs $10 and you are entered in a
> raffle for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip for two to the
> 2016 NFB National Convention.  The winner also gets $1,000 spending
> money. Deborah passed the microphone around the room to see who is
> interested in purchasing tickets, and how many they would like. An
> overwhelming response was met, and Paul Dressell made a motion that we
> order the remaining tickets that the state affiliate has, but not to
> exceed 20. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.
> 9.     Committee Reports:
> A.    Fundraising: Sheri Albers reported that the committee held a
> conference email meeting, discussing the upcoming Game Party and
> Braille-a-thon.
> *        The Game Party will take place on May 9th from 2:00-7:00 PM
> at Paul and Bernie Dressell's house in Westwood. The cost will be $10
> per adult and it is for our members and friends. A meal will be
> provided; sloppy joe's with coleslaw and chips. Cookies and soda will
> also be served.  Paul and Emily will be discussing what games to
> bring. Paul will be sending an announcement to the Cincinnati Chapter
> email list soon.
> *        The Braille-a-thon is still in the planning stages, and more
> information will be coming soon.
> *        JW Smith is having an event at Arnold's Bar and Grill on
> Wednesday, April 29th from 7:00-9:00 PM. He will be preforming and
> there will also be raffles and a silent auction. Proceeds will go
> towards the Drive for 75.
> Chris Sabine suggested that this event be dedicated to Bob Marquardt.
> Since the Drive for 75 is not a direct project of the Cincinnati
> Chapter, Sheri would have to check with JW Smith.  Walter Mitchell
> also mentioned that there will also be an Inspirational concert on May
> 30th, which may be a better event to dedicate to Bob Marquardt. Jim
> Tudor moved a formal proposal to the Drive for 75 campaign, that we
> dedicate this event to Bob Marquardt. Paul Dressell seconded, and the
> motion passed. The Drive for 75 committee will make the final decision
> with our proposal in mind.
> The Blind Inspiration concert will have several blind performers,
> including JW Smith and Emily Pennington.  It will take place at:
> House of Joy
> 5912 Hamilton Ave.
> From 6:00-8:00 PM
> Walter will be sending out more information on the event soon.
> B.     Recreation Committee: Deanna Lewis reported that the committee
> had a conference call on 4/19 with 8 participants. Many ideas were
> discussed, but we would like to focus on two upcoming projects, the
> dinner and a movie and the picnic. Deanna also informed the chapter
> that Bootsy Collins would be doing a concert this evening at
> Washington Park if any chapter members were interested in attending.
> *        Dinner and a movie. Rachel Kuntz did some research on this
> project and reported the following. The Oakley Station movie theater
> has audio described movies and there are several nearby restaurants,
> one that was discussed was Arthur's in Hyde Park. The least expensive
> option is seeing a matinee movie and going to dinner afterwards. Early
> Bird and matinee prices range from $6.65-$8.15. With the price of the
> movie and dinner, it will most likely cost each person $25 to attend.
> Rachel moved that we go to the movies on Saturday, August 8th. Kim
> McEachirn seconded and the motion passed.  Emily Pennington made a
> motion that the Chapter covers the cost of the movie tickets, and the
> members pay for their own dinners. David Carr seconded and the motion
> passed. The movie and restaurant will be decided soon. The committee
> will also be working on transportation options.
> *        Picnic: President Kendrick has offered to host the picnic at
> her house this year.  Rachel Kuntz moved that the picnic take place on
> Saturday, June 13th at Deborah's house. David Carr seconded and the
> motion passed. The cost for the picnic will be $5.00 and each member
> should bring a side dish to share. More details will be coming soon.
> C.     Membership Committee: Chris Sabine reported that the committee
> recently had a conference call with 8 participants. On April 4th,
> Chris attended an expo for people with autism and other special needs.
> He handed out NFB literature and Braille alphabet cards. The next
> Membership call will be on May 17th at 1:30.
> 10.                         President Kendrick reminded everyone that
> the NFB of Ohio's scholarship deadline is May 15th. She asked everyone
> to spread the word to any blind students that they know.
> 11.                         President Kendrick is making a list of
> people who are planning to attend the National Convention in Orlando.
> So far, the following people are attending: Deborah Kendrick, Emily
> Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Sheri Albers, Lisa Hall, Walter
> Mitchell, Rachel Kuntz, and Paul Jordan.
> 12.                         Elif Emir made a brief announcement about
> a training workshop that the University of Cincinnati is conducting.
> The workshop will focus on teaching their students the skills needed
> to work with blind clients. Elif would like our Chapter to help
> present at this event, demonstrating some of the tools we use every
> day, like canes, guide dogs, access technology, and Braille. This
> event will be taking place in either October or November, so we
> believe it would be good to conduct this as a Meet the Blind Month
> activity. Elif and the Meet the Blind Month committee will be working
> further on this endeavor.
> 13.                         Paul Dressell handed out a few of the new
> NFB Independence Market catalogs to those who wanted one.
> 14.                         Paul Dressell brought in two books on CD
> to auction off. The first one, "Big Bad Wolf," by James Patterson was
> won by Deborah Kendrick with a bid of $5. The second one,
> "Retribution," by Jilliane Hoffman was won by Deanna Lewis, with a bid
> of $7.
> Sheri Albers brought in a $10 gift certificate to Washington Platform.
> It was won by Kim and Annie McEachirn with a bid of $12.
> 15.                         The meeting was adjourned at 2:52 PM. Due
> to the Memorial Day Holiday, our next meeting will take place on May
> 30th at 1:00 PM.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Deanna Lewis, Secretary
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